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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to GreekPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 13 - Do You Remember Your Dreams in Greece? Eric here.
Chrissi: Γεια σας. I'm Chrissi.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use deponent verbs. The conversation takes place inside a cabin of a cruise ship.
Chrissi: It's between Katerina and Eva.
Eric: The speakers are colleagues and friends, so they’ll be using informal Greek. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

(Πόρτα καμπίνας ανοίγει και κλείνει)
Εύα: (αγουροξυπνημένα) Ήρθες...
Κατερίνα: Αχ, κοιμόσουν; Συγγνώμη που σε ξύπνησα.
Εύα: Δεν πειράζει (χασμουριέται). Ονειρευόμουνα...Ήμουν λέει σε ένα κτίριο γεμάτο με σκάλες και πήγαινα πάνω κάτω, πάνω κάτω.
: Προσπαθούσα να βρω μια έξοδο, αλλά δεν υπήρχε καμία πόρτα πουθενά... ήμουν απελπισμένη.
Κατερίνα: Μάλλον σε επηρέασαν οι σκάλες που ανεβοκατεβαίνουμε κάθε μέρα.
Εύα: Μάλλον... Πώς ήταν το σόου σήμερα;
Κατερίνα: Καλά πήγε. Έριξα πολύ χορό. Όμως δεν αισθάνομαι τα πόδια μου. Έπρεπε να είχα φορέσει πιο άνετα παπούτσια. Αυτά είναι τόσο στενά που έχουν μουδιάσει τα δάχτυλά μου.
Εύα: Την επόμενη φορά μη φορέσεις αυτές τις peep toe γόβες. Φόρα τις άσπρες μπαλαρίνες που έχεις.
Κατερίνα: Αυτό θα κάνω. Λοιπόν, εγώ πάω για ένα γρήγορο ντους και θα πέσω για ύπνο. Αύριο θα 'ρθω μαζί σου στην εκδρομή στη Λίνδο. Μη με ξεχάσεις!
Εύα: OK. Τότε ξύπνα πριν τις 6. Άντε, καληνύχτα.
Κατερίνα: Καληνύχτα.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
(Cabin door opens and closes)
Eva: (blearily) You're here...
Katerina: Oh, were you sleeping? I'm sorry I woke you up.
Eva: That's alright (yawns). I was dreaming... I was inside this building full of staircases and I was going up and down, up and down.
I was trying to find an exit, but there was not a single door anywhere... I was desperate.
Katerina: Maybe you are affected by all these staircases that we climb every day.
Eva: Maybe... How was the show today?
Katerina: It went well. I danced a lot. But I cannot feel my feet. I should have worn more comfortable shoes. These are so tight that my toes are numb.
Eva: Next time don't wear those peep toe shoes. Wear the white ballet flats that you have.
Katerina: That's what I'll do. So, I'll have a quick shower and go to bed. Tomorrow I'm coming with you on the Lindos excursion. Don't leave me behind!
Eva: OK. Then wake up before six. Well, good night.
Katerina: Good night.
Eric: Chrissi, is it common for Greeks to discuss their dreams with friends, family, or colleagues?
Chrissi: Yes. And actually, many people might turn to specific people, usually an older person, to get dream interpretations.
Eric: Why do Greeks pay so much attention to dreams?
Chrissi: I guess it comes from history. In ancient times, even famous philosophers like Aristotle and Artemidorus tried to interpret dreams for scientific reasons. Aristotle believed that the imagination greatly influenced dreams, while Artemidorus emphasized the importance of personal factors such as age, physical health, and previous events in understanding one’s dreams.
Eric: I see. Are there some common interpretations in Greece?
Chrissi: Yes. For example, Greeks believe that seeing a fish in your dream means sadness and that you are suddenly fearful of something happening. A dream of your teeth falling out is also not a good omen, as this means something bad will happen, like the death of a person you know. Dreams with the sea are good dreams usually, unless the person is in the water or the sea has a weird color or is turbulent.
Eric: I hope our listeners will have only good dreams! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Chrissi: ονειρεύομαι [natural native speed]
Eric: to dream
Chrissi: ονειρεύομαι [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: ονειρεύομαι [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: πάνω [natural native speed]
Eric: up, over, above, on, top, upstairs
Chrissi: πάνω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: πάνω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: απελπισμένος [natural native speed]
Eric: desperate, exasperated, hopeless
Chrissi: απελπισμένος [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: απελπισμένος [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: επηρεάζω [natural native speed]
Eric: to influence, to affect
Chrissi: επηρεάζω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: επηρεάζω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: μουδιάζω [natural native speed]
Eric: to numb
Chrissi: μουδιάζω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: μουδιάζω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: δάχτυλο [natural native speed]
Eric: finger, toe
Chrissi: δάχτυλο [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: δάχτυλο [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: γόβα [natural native speed]
Eric: high heel shoe, stiletto heel shoe
Chrissi: γόβα [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: γόβα [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: μπαλαρίνα [natural native speed]
Eric: ballerina, ballet flat
Chrissi: μπαλαρίνα [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: μπαλαρίνα [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: ντους [natural native speed]
Eric: shower
Chrissi: ντους [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: ντους [natural native speed]
Eric: And last...
Chrissi: ύπνος [natural native speed]
Eric: sleep
Chrissi: ύπνος [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: ύπνος [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Chrissi: Πάνω κάτω. This consists of the adverbs πάνω, meaning “up,” and κάτω, meaning “down.”
Eric: This expression has two meanings. One is the literal “up and down” and the other is similar to saying “more or less” or “approximately.” For example…
Chrissi: Πόσα χάλασες πάνω κάτω;
Eric: “How much did you spend, approximately?” Another example is…
Chrissi: Το βάζο χωράει πάνω κάτω δεκαοχτώ πίκλες.
Eric: “The jar holds more or less eighteen pickles.”
Chrissi: In the case of the meaning “up and down” you can use it not only to describe vertical movement, but also to denote hyperactivity. For example, you can say: Τα παιδιά πηγαίνουν πάνω κάτω όλη μέρα στο σπίτι.
Eric: “The kids go up and down all day long around the house.”
Chrissi: Listeners, you can also use πάνω κάτω in the sense of “upside down” in a metaphorical way. For example: Όταν γεννήθηκε το πρώτο μας παιδί έφερε τα πάνω κάτω στη ζωή μας.
Eric: “When our first child was born, he turned our life upside down.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Chrissi: Πέφτω για ύπνο.
Eric: Which means “to go to bed.”
Chrissi: Πέφτω για ύπνο consists of the verb πέφτω…
Eric: meaning “to fall”...
Chrissi: ….and the noun ύπνος...
Eric: ...meaning “sleep.”
Chrissi: Even though πέφτω για ύπνο all together literally means “to fall asleep,” you can only use it in the sense of “to go to bed” as in preparing oneself for sleep. For example, he puts on pajamas, brushes his teeth, and eventually gets into bed.
Eric: So Chrissi, how would you say “to fall asleep” in Greek? For example, if someone is lying on the couch watching TV and dozes off?
Chrissi: In that case you can use the verbs κοιμάμαι or αποκοιμιέμαι. For example: Κοιμήθηκα OR αποκοιμήθηκα καθώς έβλεπα τηλεόραση.
Eric: Which means “I fell asleep while watching TV.”
Chrissi: So, πέφτω για ύπνο means “to go to bed” and κοιμάμαι or αποκοιμιέμαι can be used to mean “to fall asleep.”
Eric: Can you give us an example using our phrase?
Chrissi: Sure. For example, you can say: Απόψε θα πέσω νωρίς για ύπνο, γιατί αύριο πρέπει να ξυπνήσω στις 5 το πρωί.
Eric: “Tonight I'll go to bed early, because tomorrow I have to wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson you’ll learn about deponent verbs.
Chrissi: Deponent verbs, or in Greek αποθετικά ρήματα, have forms only in the passive voice. The active voice is missing completely, therefore they are also defective verbs, ελλειπτικά ρήματα.
Eric: Deponent verbs can be found in both A and B conjugation groups. Chrissi, can you give us examples of deponent verbs from the A conjugation group?
Chrissi: Sure. For example αγωνίζομαι...
Eric: ...“to fight”...
Chrissi: ...γίνομαι...
Eric: ...“to become”...
Chrissi: ...ονειρεύομαι...
Eric: ...“to dream.” And what about deponent verbs from the B conjugation group?
Chrissi: This group has verbs such as βαριέμαι...
Eric: ...“to be bored”...
Chrissi: ...αρνούμαι...
Eric: ...“to deny”...
Chrissi: … and περιποιούμαι...
Eric: ...“to take care.” Listeners, you can find more deponent verbs in the lesson notes as well as information about their semantics, but now let's talk about their conjugation.
Chrissi: In the past we’ve examined in detail the conjugation of passive verbs ending in -ομαι with όμικρον for the conjugation A, in -ιέμαι for the first class of the conjugation B, and in -ούμαι for the second class of the conjugation B.
Eric: However, in the second class of the conjugation B we also include a few verbs that end in...
Chrissi: -άμαι and -ώμαι with ωμέγα. We'll examine the latter -ώμαι ending verbs in the next lesson, but now let's have a closer look at -άμαι ending verbs.
Eric: Such verbs are...
Chrissi: ...for example θυμάμαι...
Eric: ...“to remember”...
Chrissi: ...κοιμάμαι...
Eric: ...“to sleep”...
Chrissi: ...λυπάμαι…
Eric: ...“to be sorry”...
Chrissi: ...and φοβάμαι...
Eric: ...“to be afraid of.” These verbs basically follow the second class, Β conjugation model, but some forms in the progressive tenses of the indicative and subjunctive mood are slightly different. Let's show our listeners how to conjugate one of these verbs in the indicative mood.
Chrissi: Ok. For that I'll use the verb κοιμάμαι, meaning “to sleep.” In the present tense of the indicative mood it will be: κοιμάμαι or κοιμούμαι, κοιμάσαι, κοιμάται, κοιμόμαστε or κοιμούμαστε, κοιμάστε or κοιμόσαστε and κοιμούνται.
Eric: Listeners, the same forms are used for the present tense subjunctive mood.
Chrissi: And for the future progressive tense in the indicative mood, all you need to do is add the particle θα in front of these forms. For example θα κοιμάμαι and so on.
Eric: Ok. And what about the past progressive tense?
Chrissi: It will be: Κοιμόμουν or κοιμόμουνα, κοιμόσουν or κοιμόσουνα, κοιμόταν or κοιμότανε, κοιμόμασταν, κοιμόσασταν and κοιμούνταν or κοιμόντουσαν.
Eric: Listeners, here are a few important things to remember about the conjugation of deponent verbs.
Chrissi: The passive voice present tense monolectic imperative is extremely rare. Instead, we use the subjunctive mood for the 2nd person singular and plural. For example να κοιμάσαι and να κοιμάστε or να κοιμόσαστε respectively.
Eric: And what about the passive voice aorist tense imperative mood?
Chrissi: As we've mentioned before, these forms are a bit tricky, because for most verbs you will need to use the active voice aorist stem for the 2nd person singular, and the passive voice aorist stem for the 2nd person plural. For example κοιμήσου and κοιμηθείτε.
Eric: But deponent verbs don't have an active voice!
Chrissi: In the case of deponent verbs, the stem of the 2nd person singular, for example κοιμήσ-, is made from the imaginary sigmatic aorist that they would have IF they had an active voice. Listeners, please be sure to check out the conjugation tables in our lesson notes. You will find more explanations there.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Chrissi: Γεια χαρά!

