
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to GreekPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 11 - Solving a Problem in Greece. Eric here.
Chrissi: Γεια σας. I'm Chrissi.
Eric: In this lesson, we'll review the whole passive voice for both A and B conjugation groups. The conversation takes place in the housekeeping office of a cruise ship.
Chrissi: It's between Katerina and a cabin steward.
Eric: The speakers are colleagues, but the steward is quite a bit older than Katerina. For that reason, Katerina will be using formal Greek, while the steward will be using informal Greek. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Κατερίνα: Γεια σας...
Καμαρότος: Καλώς την! Βλέπω μας έφερες επιτέλους τα προγράμματα.
Κατερίνα: Ναι. Συγγνώμη για την καθυστέρηση. Βλέπετε το φωτοτυπικό μας κουράστηκε και αρνείται κάθε συνεργασία!
Καμαρότος: Ναι, ναι. Ενημερωθήκαμε για αυτό. Μην ανησυχείς, οι περισσότεροι επιβάτες βρίσκονται στα εστιατόρια τώρα, οπότε έχουμε λίγο χρόνο ακόμα να παραδώσουμε τα προγράμματα πριν επιστρέψουν.
: Αλλιώς, τα βάζουμε κάτω από την πόρτα τους.
Κατερίνα: Λοιπόν, είναι όλα χωρισμένα. Αυτά είναι τα αγγλικά. Αυτά εδώ είναι τα γαλλικά... ελληνικά... ισπανικά... και έχουμε και 5 ιαπωνικά προγράμματα.
Καμαρότος: Σας βάζει ο Νίκος και μαθαίνετε γιαπωνέζικα τώρα;
Κατερίνα: Δεν μας τυραννάει τόσο ακόμα! Οι Γιαπωνέζοι είναι γκρουπ και έχουν δική τους ξεναγό. Αυτή μας βοήθησε να τα ετοιμάσουμε.
Καμαρότος: Το ξέρω καλέ, πλάκα κάνω. Λοιπόν, εγώ πάω γρήγορα να τα αφήσω αυτά στις καμπίνες, γιατί μετά πρέπει να ετοιμαστώ για την ελληνική βραδιά.
Κατερίνα: Για το σόου; Τι θα κάνετε εκεί;
Καμαρότος: Θα χορεύω! Κανονικά ήταν η σειρά του Μάνου από την τραπεζαρία, αλλά έχει τη μέση του, οπότε θα τον καλύψω εγώ.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Katerina: Hello...
Cabin steward: Hello there! I see you finally brought us the programs.
Katerina: Yes. I'm sorry for the delay. You see, our photocopy machine got tired and is refusing any cooperation.
Cabin steward: Yeah, yeah. We were informed about that. Don't worry, most passengers are in the restaurants now, so we still have some time to deliver the programs before they return.
: Otherwise, we just put them under their doors.
Katerina: So, everything is separated. These are the English ones. Those here are the French ones... Greek... Spanish... and we also have five Japanese programs.
Cabin steward: Is Nikos making you guys learn Japanese now?
Katerina: He is not torturing us that much yet! The Japanese are in a group and they have their own tour guide. She helped us prepare them.
Cabin steward: I know that, I'm just kidding. So, I'll go and leave those in the cabins quickly, because after that I have to get ready for the Greek night.
Katerina: For the show? What are you going to do there?
Cabin steward: I'll be dancing! Normally it would be Manos from the dining area's turn, but he has a sore back, so I'll be covering for him.
Eric: Chrissi, would I be right in saying that delays are a pretty common part of everyday life in Greece?
Chrissi: You would. Because of the relaxed attitude towards schedules -- bus schedules are a good example -- it’s really hard to plan a trip ahead and make sure you’ll be on time. Heavy traffic in the big cities adds to the problem, especially during the rush hour.
Eric: So if you're meeting a friend for coffee and you need to take a bus, a train, or even go by car, leave home early if you don't want to be late.
Chrissi: That's a good tip. However, for casual meet-ups it's acceptable and understandable to be a few minutes late. The philosophy of Greeks is Κάλλιο αργά παρά ποτέ, meaning "Better late than never."
Eric: But listeners, if you’re going to be late, your Greek friends will definitely appreciate a text message! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Chrissi: καθυστέρηση [natural native speed]
Eric: delay, retardation
Chrissi: καθυστέρηση [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: καθυστέρηση [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: αρνούμαι [natural native speed]
Eric: to deny, to refuse
Chrissi: αρνούμαι [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: αρνούμαι [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: συνεργασία [natural native speed]
Eric: cooperation, collaboration
Chrissi: συνεργασία [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: συνεργασία [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: επιβάτης [natural native speed]
Eric: passenger
Chrissi: επιβάτης [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: επιβάτης [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: παραδίδω [natural native speed]
Eric: to deliver, give, hand over
Chrissi: παραδίδω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: παραδίδω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: επιστρέφω [natural native speed]
Eric: to return
Chrissi: επιστρέφω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: επιστρέφω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: χωρισμένος [natural native speed]
Eric: divided, split, separated, divorced
Chrissi: χωρισμένος [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: χωρισμένος [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: τυραννάω [natural native speed]
Eric: to torture, to bully
Chrissi: τυραννάω [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: τυραννάω [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have...
Chrissi: πλάκα [natural native speed]
Eric: plate, plaque, joke, fun, radiogram, flat
Chrissi: πλάκα [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: πλάκα [natural native speed]
Eric: And last...
Chrissi: μέση [natural native speed]
Eric: waist, middle
Chrissi: μέση [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chrissi: μέση [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Chrissi: The expression πλάκα κάνω.
Eric: Meaning “I'm just joking, I'm just kidding.”
Chrissi: Πλάκα κάνω consists of the noun πλάκα...
Eric: ...which in this case means something like “joke” or “fun,”
Chrissi: ...and the verb κάνω...
Eric: ...which means “to do” or “to make.” You can use this phrase in casual conversations.
Chrissi: Right. If you want to be more polite, you can use αστειεύομαι instead of πλάκα κάνω. The meaning is the same.
Eric: Chrissi, can you give us an example using this phrase?
Chrissi: Sure. For example, you can say Δεν σου κάνω πλάκα, μου συνέβη αυτό στ' αλήθεια!
Eric: Meaning “I'm not kidding you, that really happened to me!” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Chrissi: Έχω τη μέση μου. Έχω means “to have,” as you know, and τη μέση μου means “my back.”
Eric: So, literally it means “I have my back” but it's understood as “I have back pain” or “I have a sore back.”
Chrissi: Correct. Feel free to use this phrase in any situation, formal or informal.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Chrissi: Yes. Έχω τη μέση μου και δεν μπορώ ούτε να κουνηθώ.
Eric: Which means “I have back pain and I can't even move.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, we'll review the whole passive voice for both A and B conjugation groups. In our lesson notes, you will find tables that will help you freshen up your conjugation knowledge, but I'd like to remind you that you don’t have to memorize endless verb tables.
Chrissi: ...Right, because you can just memorize this technique in order to conjugate regular verbs correctly and efficiently.
Eric: So, Chrissi, what do we need to know in order to do that?
Chrissi: First, you need to know the present tense stem of a verb and the rules to get the active and passive voice aorist stems. Then, you need to know the tenses that use each of those stems, and lastly you need to memorize the different sets of verb endings, but there are not actually that many.
Eric: In this lesson, we'll give some general things to remember about verbs in the A and B conjugation group. Here’s the first point-
Chrissi: In both the active and passive voices, the indicative mood has all the tenses, while the subjunctive mood has only three- the present, the aorist, and the perfect tense. The imperative mood has the least, only the present and the aorist tense.
Eric: Only two?
Chrissi: Yes. The perfect tense imperative form does exist, but it’s rarely ever used, so we’ll focus only on those 2 tenses. They’re formed with the imperative of the auxiliary verb έχω...
Eric: ...which means “to have”...
Chrissi: ...plus the perfect tense passive participle. For example, for the verb γράφω, “to write,” the perfect tense imperative is έχε γραμμένο and έχετε γραμμένο...
Eric: ...for the 2nd person singular and plural respectively. This command means “have something written,” as in "have something written by 5 o'clock." Now the second thing to remember is…
Chrissi: ...that not all verbs form the same tenses in their passive voice participle forms. Most verbs have a perfect tense passive voice participle, but some others may use the present tense or an aorist tense participle, or both or even neither of them.
Eric: Okay, now to our next point. Infinitives are only used as verb formation elements in three tenses; the perfect, the pluperfect and the future perfect tense. They are never used alone. What's next Chrissi?
Chrissi: Listeners, you should keep in mind that the subjunctive is not always expressed with να. Other words also need the subjunctive, such as ας...
Eric: ...meaning "let's"...
Chrissi: ...για να...
Eric: ...“in order to”...
Chrissi: ...όταν...
Eric: ...“when”...
Chrissi: ...μην...
Eric: ...“don't”...
Chrissi: ...and ίσως...
Eric: ...“perhaps, maybe.” The next point is about syllabic augmentation. This applies only to the past tenses of the active voice of the conjugation A group of verbs that begin with a consonant, and that have a monosyllabic stem.
Chriss: This means you don't have to worry about syllabic augmentation in the passive voice.
Eric: That's good to know! Anything else our listeners should keep in mind?
Chrissi: Yes, a small tip. The aorist tense set of endings is the same for all conjugation B verbs.
Eric: Conjugation B verbs also have the same endings in the simple future and, of course, with the perfect, pluperfect and future perfect tense.
Chrissi: Listeners, as always, please be sure to check out the lesson notes for detailed information and examples.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Chrissi: Γεια χαρά!

