
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today's lesson, we'll introduce you to a phrase that you'll need on several occasions! While in Greece, there will be lots of food to try, many things to buy, and places to see. We all know you want to see the sights, and this phrase is essential to planning your days.
In Greek, "What time does it open?" is Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
Let's break it down by syllable: Ti o-ra a-ni-yi?
Now let's hear it once again, Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
The first word, τι (ti), means "what." Then, we have ώρα (óra), which in English is "hour." Let's break it down by syllable: o-ra. To recap, we have τι ώρα (ti óra). Literally, this means "What hour." We translate it as "What time." Let's look at the next word, ανοίγει (aníyi), which means "open."
All together, we have Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?) Literally, this means "What hour does it open?" We translate it as "What time does it open?"
It's also very important to know when places close! The worst thing to encounter is a closed sign hanging in front of a place you wanted to see! In Greek, "What time does it close?" is Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
Let's break it down by syllable: Ti o-ra kli-ni?
Now let's hear it once again, Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
As you can see, you have the same structure as the previous phrase. Τι ώρα (Ti óra) translates as "What time." Then, you have κλείνει (klíni), "close," in place of ανοίγει (aníyi), "open."
Let's break this word down and hear it one more time: kli-ni. All together, we have Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
This literally means "At what hour does it close?" We translate it as "What time does it close?"
We can use the same pattern, τι ώρα (ti óra), in many other situations:
In a hotel when you want to ask in Greek, "What time is the breakfast served?" it is Τι ώρα σερβίρεται το πρωινό; (Ti óra servírete to proinó?)
Τι ώρα σερβίρεται το πρωινό; (Ti óra servírete to proinó?)
"What time does the show start?" Τι ώρα αρχίζει το πρόγραμμα; (Ti óra arhízi to prógrama?)
Τι ώρα αρχίζει το πρόγραμμα; (Ti óra arhízi to prógrama?)
"What time does the train leave?" Τι ώρα φεύγει το τρένο; (Ti óra févyi to tréno?)
Τι ώρα φεύγει το τρένο; (Ti óra févyi to tréno?)
"What time do we arrive?" Τι ώρα φτάνουμε; (Ti óra ftánoume?)
Τι ώρα φτάνουμε; (Ti óra ftánoume?)
Okay, to close out today's lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for shouting it out loud. You'll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so Καλή τύχη (kalí týchi), which means "good luck!" in Greek.
"What time does it open?" - Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
Τι ώρα ανοίγει; (Ti óra aníyi?)
"What time does it close?" - Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
Τι ώρα κλείνει; (Ti óra klíni?)
"What time is the breakfast served?" - Τι ώρα σερβίρεται το πρωινό; (Ti óra servírete to proinó?)
Τι ώρα σερβίρεται το πρωινό; (Ti óra servírete to proinó?)
Τι ώρα σερβίρεται το πρωινό; (Ti óra servírete to proinó?)
"What time does the show start?" - Τι ώρα αρχίζει το πρόγραμμα; (Ti óra arhízi to prógrama?)
Τι ώρα αρχίζει το πρόγραμμα; (Ti óra arhízi to prógrama?)
Τι ώρα αρχίζει το πρόγραμμα; (Ti óra arhízi to prógrama?)
"What time does the train leave?" - Τι ώρα φεύγει το τρένο; (Ti óra févyi to tréno?)
Τι ώρα φεύγει το τρένο; (Ti óra févyi to tréno?)
Τι ώρα φεύγει το τρένο; (Ti óra févyi to tréno?)
"What time do we arrive?" - Τι ώρα φτάνουμε; (Ti óra ftánoume?)
Τι ώρα φτάνουμε; (Ti óra ftánoume?)
Τι ώρα φτάνουμε; (Ti óra ftánoume?)
All right, that's going to do it for today!
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