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How to Improve Your Listening Skills
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How to Improve Your Listening Skills
15 words
Ákuse éna reportáz í éna 'podcast' sti glósa-stóho su ke sti sinéhia prospáthise na prozdiorísis to théma tu reportáz prin diavásis yi' aftó.
Άκουσε ένα ρεπορτάζ ή ένα podcast στη γλώσσα-στόχο σου και στη συνέχεια προσπάθησε να προσδιορίσεις το θέμα του ρεπορτάζ πριν διαβάσεις γι' αυτό.
Listen to a news report or a podcast in the target language then try to identify the topic of the report before reading about it.
Yíne mélos mias omádas sizítisis.
Γίνε μέλος μιας ομάδας συζήτησης.
Join a conversation group.
Dimiúryise éna prógrama melétis ke bes se mia rutína.
Δημιούργησε ένα πρόγραμμα μελέτης και μπες σε μια ρουτίνα.
Make yourself a study plan and establish a routine.
Parakolúthise teníes sti glósa pu meletás, idiká se siskevés pu borís na hrisimopiísis ya na xanaparakoluthís epilegménes skinés.
Παρακολούθησε ταινίες στη γλώσσα που μελετάς, ειδικά σε συσκευές που μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις για να ξαναπαρακολουθείς επιλεγμένες σκηνές.
Watch movies in the language you are studying, especially on devices which you can use to repeat selected scenes.
Psáhne ya tis rízes ton léxeon, ótan akús káti.
Ψάχνε για τις ρίζες των λέξεων, όταν ακούς κάτι.
Look for root words when listening to something.
Hrisimopíise tin tehnikí "akúo ke epanalamváno".
Χρησιμοποίησε την τεχνική «ακούω και επαναλαμβάνω».
Use the shadowing technique.
Exaskísu me to na akús ipagoréfsis.
Εξασκήσου με το να ακούς υπαγορεύσεις.
Practice listening to dictations.
Hrisimopíise to diadíktio; íne yemáto apó piyés akustikís katanóisis.
Χρησιμοποίησε το διαδίκτυο· είναι γεμάτο από πηγές ακουστικής κατανόησης.
Use the Internet; it is full of listening resources.
Parakolúthise tis hironimíes tu omilití kathós akús.
Παρακολούθησε τις χειρονομίες του ομιλητή καθώς ακούς.
Watch the gestures of the speaker while you are listening.
Singendrósu ston omilití, apófiye tihón esoterikús í exoterikús perispazmús.
Συγκεντρώσου στον ομιλητή, απόφυγε τυχόν εσωτερικούς ή εξωτερικούς περισπασμούς.
Focus on the speaker, avoid any internal or external distractions.
Prospáthise na vris éna théma ya akustikí katanóisi pu se endiaféri pragmatiká.
Προσπάθησε να βρεις ένα θέμα για ακουστική κατανόηση που σε ενδιαφέρει πραγματικά.
Attempt to find a listening topic in which you are genuinely interested.
Áku énan fisikó omilití ke prospáthise na mimithís ton tóno ke tin proforá tu.
Άκου έναν φυσικό ομιλητή και προσπάθησε να μιμηθείς τον τόνο και την προφορά του.
Listen to a native speaker and try to imitate their intonation and pronunciation.
Áku musikí sti glósa-stóho su ke xehórise ikíes léxis ke frásis.
Άκου μουσική στη γλώσσα-στόχο σου και ξεχώρισε οικείες λέξεις και φράσεις.
Listen to music in your target language and pick out familiar words and phrases.
Ákuse énan ihitikó diálogo horís na diavázis to kímeno ke grápse ó,ti akús.
Άκουσε έναν ηχητικό διάλογο χωρίς να διαβάζεις το κείμενο και γράψε ό,τι ακούς.
Listen to an audio dialogue without reading the text and write down what you hear.
Ákuse énan diálogo ke prospáthise na grápsis sostá tis léxis pu den anagnorízis; sti sinéhia síngrine tin orthografía su me ti sostí orthografía.
Άκουσε έναν διάλογο και προσπάθησε να γράψεις σωστά τις λέξεις που δεν αναγνωρίζεις· στη συνέχεια σύγκρινε την ορθογραφία σου με τη σωστή ορθογραφία.
Listen to a dialogue and try to correctly write down words you don't recognize, then compare your spelling to the correct spelling.
2019-11-17 07:54:36

Γεια σου Qiseana,

Thank you for commenting. You mean understanding spoken Greek? Don't worry much about that, it will come with time. Just listen all our Greek audios and videos, if necessary several times, until you are absolutely sure you understand it. And repetition makes perfect! Never rush to a new lesson until you haven't mastered the vocabulary and grammar for that particular lesson. You will advance slower, sure, but you will definitely master Greek!! 😉

Good luck! We are here for you if you have any questions along the way!




2019-11-16 23:43:51

Awesome, thank you so much. Im a little concerned about learning to understand from another.
2019-02-28 07:31:38

Hi Michael,

Thank you for contacting us.

Are you lowering the speed in a lesson but still have trouble following? How long have you been studying Greek? Is articulation the problem or speed? Keep in mind that the vocabulary lists don't have a slower version for the entries, but we are planning on adding the feature in the near future due to feedback such as yours. For the moment, you can add the entries in the Word Bank and slow them down there.

As for your request regarding the Basic Greek Resources, do you mean that you need access to this page?

(found at the top menu, in the option with the 3 dots next to the search feature)

All the best,


2019-02-27 05:48:56

to say the truth i feel very frustrated. I tried to lower the speed while listening. But yet it is to much for me. Do you have any good advice for me?

or I must to struggle by myself until I shall be able to get used to the Greek unusual speed of talking (-: ?

In this occasion I have a request. In the daily mail "word of the day" I have found a section named "Basic Greek resources",

only on the apple tablet. I would like to have it on the pc as well. I found it a very practical tool as reminder of the basics of the Greek grammar.

Any assistance will be appreciated

All the best


2019-02-27 01:29:23

to say the truth i feel very frustrated. I tried to lower the speed while listening. But yet it is to much for me. Do you have any good advice for me?

or I must to struggle by myself until I shall be able to get used to the Greek unusual speed of talking (-: ?

In this occasion I have a request. In the daily mail "word of the day" I have found a section named "Basic Greek resources",

only on the apple tablet. I would like to have it on the pc as well. I found it a very practical tool as reminder of the basics of the Greek grammar.

Any assistance will be appreciated

All the best
2019-01-29 15:04:35

Hi Christopher,

The shadowing technique is simply when you repeat something after the speaker says something. For that, you need to have some audio materials (you get plenty of that here on GreekPod101!) and some transcript for extra help. So you hear a word, phrase or sentence and repeat it trying to sound as closely as possible to the audio.

All the best,



Christopher Gilbertson
2019-01-26 23:54:00


What is the shadowing technique please?

2019-01-17 03:26:55

Hi L,

Thank you for contacting us.

Because we all speak at different speeds as you said, our site's audio and video player comes with a speed button, so you can slow down the playback speed and make it easier to watch and listen.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,



2019-01-13 02:46:00

It seems in some of your videos, Chrissi talks ridiculously fast. I know we all speak different speeds, but this is supposed to be a learning tool. I hope one day I can speak that fast in English let alone Greek!
2018-11-06 04:42:39

Hi AmrMsd,

That's excellent! I hope I can get to see you writing in Greek soon😉!

All the best,



2018-11-04 22:02:57

I apply almost all of your fifteen ways to learn a language and this is also correct for Greek.
2018-11-04 16:02:15

Hello Isabel,


Thank you for posting.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.




2018-11-04 04:34:45

Different methods suit different levels. For me as a beginner listening to music and listening out for root words are helpful

Helena Storer
2018-11-04 02:02:58

Brilliant advice.

Thank you

