Hey listeners! Did we miss any other holiday greetings? Write them down here!
Hi Samy,
The most popular ones would be:
Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Merry Christmas!
Καλή χρονιά! Have a happy New Year!
Καλές γιορτές! Happy holidays! (when you refer to the whole festive season)
The rest are just examples of things you could say, for example, when writing a message or a card to someone. The most standard expressions are the three ones I mentioned above.
Καλές γιορτές!
Team GreekPod101.com
Many different ways. What are the most popular ones?
Hi Marios,
Thank you for your positive feedback!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Team GreekPod101.com
I agree, a very helpful list. Thank you very much.
A most useful list, thank you.
Hi Marc,
The way the system is currently laid out, there is the possibility to download audio (podcast) but only from the following series/lessons that you can find here:
I'm afraid you can't download the audio from the vocabulary lists such as this one because when you play the audio for the whole list, what you hear is a combination of different audios played back in order rather than one single downloadable audio file.
If there's anything else I could help you with, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Kind regards,
Team GreekPod101.com
Is it possible to download the audio file (or podcast) in order to listen on an iPod?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Olga,
Thank you for your message and welcome to GreekPod101.com! :smile:
If you ever have any questions about Greek, feel free to leave a comment and we will get back to you.
Καλές γιορτές!
Team GreekPod101.com
I have subscribed only a few days ago. I am loving this learning method and these useful e-mails I get everyday! Now I can say holiday greetings in greek to my greek friends!