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Learn all about Greek Names

Do you want to know how to write your name in Greek?

We’ll be honest with you—one of the questions we get asked the most on GreekPod101 is on — yes, you guessed it — names. The most frequently asked questions include:

  • “How do you write an English name in Greek?”
  • “Is it possible to make a nickname up and ask native Greek speakers to use it?”
  • “Are there any Greek names that sound like English names?”

For those who want to have their name in Greek, we have made it simple for you to write your name today. Yes, today! This post is your one-stop guide regarding Greek names!

Ask Us How to Write Your Name in Greek!

Write your name in Greek!

Want to know how to write your name in Greek? Just ask us! We’ll write your name in Greek.

  • Write your name in the English alphabet. Our Greek teachers might not speak your language :’(
  • If your name is pronounced differently from the spelling, please let us know the pronunciation.

How can you ask? First, log in to GreekPod101. Then, simply leave a comment on this page.


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Table of Contents


1. How to Write Your Name in Greek



Greek people use the Greek alphabet to write English names. To write your English name in Greek, first you need to know the alphabet.

The easiest way is to find a Greek letter that corresponds to the pronunciation of your Greek name. For example, if your name is “Maya,” you can use the letters Μά for “ma,” and για for “ya.” You just need to put them together and write Μάγια for “Maya.”

Here are some English names in the Greek alphabet.

  • Noah (Νόα)
  • Jacob (Τζέικομπ)
  • Michael (Μάικλ)
  • Daniel (Ντάνιελ)
  • Sandra (Σάντρα)
  • George (Τζορτζ)
  • Thomas (Τόμας)
  • Kimberly (Κίμπερλι)

If you cannot find your name on this list or want to make your name in Greek characters by yourself, here’s our video series for you. Check out Greek Alphabet Made Easy and learn how to write the Greek characters for your English name.

This will help you learn the Greek alphabet and start writing your name in Greek by yourself!


2. How to Make Up Your Greek Nickname


How to Make Up Your Greek Name

If you want to have your own Greek name that sounds like a typical name that any native speaker could read and understand without problems, don’t worry.

Here’s a list of Greek names hand-picked by our team. Pick the one that you like and use it as your Greek name.


A. Greek First Names

- a. Greek Female Names

  • Κατερίνα (Katerína, equivalent of Catherine)
  • Αγγελική (Angelikí, equivalent of Angelica)
  • Γεωργία (Yeoryía, equivalent of Georgia)
  • Χριστίνα (Hristína, equivalent of Christina)
  • Ιωάννα (Ioána, equivalent of Joanna)
  • Ναταλία (Natalía, equivalent of Natalie)
  • Ελισάβετ (Elisávet, equivalent of Elizabeth)
  • Ελένη (Eléni, equivalent of Helen)

- b. Greek Male Names

  • Γιώργος (Yórgos, equivalent of George)
  • Μιχάλης (Mihális, equivalent of Michael)
  • Γιάννης (Yánis, equivalent of John)
  • Δημήτρης (Dimítris, equivalent of Jim)
  • Ανδρέας (Andréas, equivalent of Andrew)
  • Νίκος (Níkos, equivalent of Nick)
  • Πέτρος (Pétros, equivalent of Peter)
  • Αλέξανδρος (Aléxandros, equivalent of Alexander)

B. Greek Last Names

For those who want to have your own Greek last name too, here’s the list of popular Greek last names.

  • Παπαδόπουλος (Papadópulos, male) / Παπαδοπούλου (Papadopúlu, female)
  • Παππάς (Papás, male) / Παππά (Papá, female)
  • Καραγιάννης (Karayánis, male) / Καραγιάννη (Karayáni, female)
  • Βλάχος (Vláhos, male) / Βλάχου (Vláhu, female)
  • Ιωαννίδης (Ioanídis, male) / Ιωαννίδου (Ioanídu, female)
  • Οικονόμου (Ikonómu, male and female)
  • Παπαγεωργίου (Papayeoryíu, male and female)
  • Μακρής (Makrís, male) / Μακρή (Makrí, female)
  • Κωνσταντινίδης (Konstandinídis, male) / Κωνσταντινίδη (Konstandinídi, female)
  • Δημόπουλος (Dimópulos, male) / Δημοπούλου (Dimopúlu, female)


3. Related Lessons


Writing Series
In this video series, you will learn the Greek alphabet. We will teach you how to write them using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Greek words. If you want to get started reading and writing Greek, this is THE place to start.


Introduction to Greek
Want to learn Greek? Don’t know where to start? This is it. The Introduction to Greek series is perfect for those who know zero Greek but want to take that first step. In this series, you’ll learn all about the Greek language, as well as grammar, writing and phrases to get you started.


Greek Pronunciation Guide
Ready to sound like a native Greek speaker? Join us in the Ultimate Greek Pronunciation Series! You’ll learn the ins and outs of perfect Greek pronunciation. You’ll learn the common mistakes learners make, how to avoid them, and the nuances that only native speakers are aware of.


Greek in 3 Minutes
Learn the basics you need to be polite while speaking Greek. We will take you step-by-step through must-know phrases and explain the grammar and composition. Plus, you’ll get some special tips on how to be extra authentic when interacting with native Greek speakers.


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GreekPod101.com Verified
Monday at 06:41 PM
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What's your name? Leave a comment with its pronunciation. We'll write your name in the Greek alphabet!

Jeffrey Joseph
Friday at 11:07 PM
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How would Jeffrey Joseph be written in greek? Thanks^^

Wednesday at 11:08 PM
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I need to know how to write my daughter's name in greek.... Her name is Helayna, pronounced "Ha-lay-na". Thank you so much for this!

Audrey Raina
Saturday at 10:48 PM
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Audrey Raina

GreekPod101.com Verified
Friday at 08:36 PM
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Hi Branden!

Thank you for reaching out to us! 😊 We're here to help with any questions you may have. Feel free to share your note and ask away!

If you have any questions in your language learning journey, please let us know.

Ευχαριστώ! (Efcharistó! "Thank you!")

Team GreekPod101.com

Friday at 12:58 AM
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How will be this name be written in greek

Friday at 10:08 AM
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GreekPod101.com Verified
Thursday at 02:14 PM
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Hi Kimberley!

Your name in Greek can be written as Κίμπερλεϊ (Kimberley). 😊 It's always exciting to see how names translate into different languages!

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

Ευχαριστούμε! (Efharistóume! "Thank you!")

Team GreekPod101.com

Wednesday at 06:08 AM
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Bonjour, mon prénom est Servane. Comment puis-je traduire en grec ? Merci !

Tuesday at 05:00 AM
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What is my Greek name?

GreekPod101.com Verified
Wednesday at 11:28 PM
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Hi Pinchas Shvartzblat!

Thank you for sharing your name with us! 😊 In Greek, your name would be written as Πίνχας Σβαρτζμπλατ (Pinchas Svartzblat). The 'χ' sound in Greek is indeed similar to the 'ch' in your name, as in the word χαρά (chara, "joy").

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to let us know.

Ευχαριστούμε! (Efcharistoume! "Thank you!")

Team GreekPod101.com