Greek Lessons
When selecting the Greek lessons that you will use to learn how to speak Greek it is important that you consider how you personally learn the best. Not everybody learns in the same manner, which means that if you attempt to use lessons that are not in tune with your learning style you may struggle to learn, get frustrated, and give up. Instead of doing this, find the lessons that you will not only excel in, but that you will enjoy. This will let you get a grasp on the Greek language and be able to utilize it effectively.
If you learn well using structured Greek lessons you may find that online options are ideal to fit into your daily schedule. As opposed to classroom lessons that can be inconvenient and expensive, choosing an online course lets you follow your Greek course at your own pace, and whenever you have the time, so that you fit your learning into your life, rather than trying to fit your life around your classes.
Effective language lessons will be far more than memorizing Greek vocabulary and the Greek alphabet. Rather, you should look for Greek lessons that foster an understanding of the language so that you are actually learning to communicate rather than just being able to recognize words. An important element of this is learning both standard Greek language and the conversational forms that are used in everyday interactions and applications.
Just as you utilize phrases and language patterns that are not necessarily in adherence to standard English, the Greek language uses phrases that are used in informal situations. Lessons that are truly effective will be those that incorporate these phrases, as well as introduction to the Greek culture so that these phrases can have context.
A final important component of effective Greek lessons is listening to Native speakers. There is a major difference between a language that is understood through reading, and one that can be used comfortably and confidently in the spoken form. Listening to Greek podcasts and engaging in conversation with Native speakers will help you not only to build your vocabulary, but to become accustomed to the pacing and accent of spoken Greek. Within your Greek class you should be presented with ample opportunity to listen to the language, and practice it verbally.