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Greek Word Order: The Basic Sentence Structure

If you’ve been following us, it’s for sure that you’ve learned a bunch of Greek words and phrases.  Well done! However, random words and phrases can’t mean anything unless they’re placed in the correct order. This is why we’ve created a dedicated blog post showcasing the correct Greek word order. While ancient Greek word order was a bit more complicated, things in modern Greek are much simpler.  After reading this article, you’ll be able to construct full sentences in Greek like a native speaker. Now, let’s have a look at some basic rules and comprehensive examples. Table of Contents Overview of Word Order in Greek Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object (or Predicate) Word Order with Adverbial Phrases ... Show more

Telling Time in Modern Greek: The Greek Word for Time & More

Time is a human invention. It’s used to make our everyday lives easier, since it helps us communicate effectively.  Ever wondered how to tell the hours, minutes, and seconds in Greek? Or about the Greek word for time?  Even if you’ve never wondered, you’ll certainly need this knowledge while visiting Greece or when talking with your Greek friends.  From arranging a business appointment to arranging a date with someone you really like, telling the time in Greek is a pretty important skill to learn.  Telling the time in Greek is very similar to English, so this is considered an easy chapter. The first thing you need to know is that Greece uses both the twenty-four-hour format and the twelve-hour format, the latter of which is... Show more

How to Give Directions in Greek: “South” in Greek & More

Ever wondered how to say "north" or "south" in Greek? Or how about asking for some directions in Greek or providing them? Getting around a new and unfamiliar city such as Athens, or even a small island, can be tricky. But in Greece, kind-hearted and welcoming people are always eager to help you find exactly what you’re looking for! Although the majority of Greek people speak English at a conversational level, it’s always good to know the basics. In this blog post, we’ll present you with some of the most popular words and ready-to-use phrases, as well as useful examples, so you can learn everything you need to know about asking for or giving directions in Greek. Table of Contents Directions on the Map Directions on the... Show more

Top 100 Greek Nouns: Learn Greek Noun Declension & More

In this article, you’ll learn all the essential Greek nouns so that you can enhance your knowledge about useful, everyday words. Before we start our modern Greek nouns list, what are Greek declensions? In Greek, each noun has a gender, which is indicated by its article. More specifically, Greek noun declension by gender uses the following articles: ο (singular) or οι (plural) — indicates a masculine noun η (singular) or οι (plural) — indicates a feminine noun το (singular) or τα (plural) — indicates a neutral noun Therefore, in this guide, we’ll use the articles respectively to indicate the Greek nouns’ gender and number. Are you ready to learn some nouns in Greek? Let’s begin! Table of Contents Appliances ... Show more

Compliments in Greek: Ultimate Guide to Greek Compliments

Who doesn’t enjoy a heartfelt compliment? I don’t know about you, but Greeks do enjoy compliments very much! Giving and receiving compliments is what brings people closer. Whether between friends, colleagues, or even lovers, complimenting is an integral part of everyday life. In this article, we’ve gathered the best Greek compliments, along with what they mean and how to use them! By the time you finish reading, you’ll be able to share everything you’ve always wanted with the people you appreciate. We’ll explore how to compliment someone’s looks, work, and skills, with relevant examples. So, are you ready to begin complimenting in Greek? Then continue reading. Table of Contents An Introduction to Greek Compliments ... Show more

Celebrating the Greek Orthodox Saturday of Souls in Greece

While Greece is a country of many religions, over ninety percent of the Greek population identifies as Eastern Orthodox Christian. This makes all related holidays a huge deal here, and today we’re going to tell you about what you can expect on a Greek Orthodox Saturday of Souls. You’ll learn about the basics of Soul Saturday, Orthodox traditions that usually take place, and lots of useful vocabulary words. Let’s get started. 1. What is the Greek Saturday of Souls? Within the Greek Orthodox Church, there’s a tradition of praying for the νεκρός (nekrós), or "dead," every Saturday. This is done in memoriam of when Jesus died on the Great and Holy Saturday. However, there are also two specific days set aside each year,... Show more

Your Guide to Gender in Greek Grammar

In the Greek language, there are three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Each noun in Greek has a specific gender and—unlike in English—these genders don't only apply exclusively to nouns referring to people, but also to nouns that refer to things or animals. Therefore, gender should be viewed as a grammatical attribute of a noun and not necessarily as the sex of a person, animal, or thing. The gender roles in Greek society are deeply influenced by the patriarchal family model, although it has been modernized over the past few decades, attempting to ensure that women are equal to men. If you take a look at Greek mythology, the gods normally represent physical power, whereas goddesses represent wisdom, love, and organization.... Show more

Learn the Greek Word for Anger & More Angry Expressions

People in Greece might be welcoming, generous, and hospitable. However, they can also be pretty tense. A walk around Athens can resolve all your doubts. You’ll definitely encounter some people shouting at each other while driving, or even groups of teenagers arguing about their favorite artist. This is a characteristic of almost all cultures around the Mediterranean Sea. Greek culture closely resembles those of the Italian and the Spanish. However, this phenomenon normally can’t be characterized as anger; it’s really just vivid talking. In this article, we’ll be going over the Greek word for anger, as well as how to express negative emotions in Greek. Anger is an emotion that Greeks have tried to understand and explain since ancient... Show more

Greek Life Events Phrases: Happy Birthday in Greek & More

Ever wondered how to say Happy Birthday in Greek? Well, now you can easily learn all the useful Greek phrases about various life events, brought to you in this article by Learning—and using—the most popular Greek life event messages, such as Merry Christmas in Greek and Happy New Year in Greek, can be a nice surprise for your Greek friends. Let’s have a look at the most appropriate ready-to-use Greek congratulations phrases you can use for each of the following occasions. Table of Contents Birthday Pregnancy and Birth Graduation New Job or Promotion Retirement Wedding Death or Funeral Bad News Illness or Injury Holidays New Beginnings within the Year ... Show more

Greece Weather: Talking About Athens, Greece Weather & More

Ever wondered about Greece weather (Athens, Greece or elsewhere)? Are you planning on visiting Santorini and don’t know what to pack? Do you want to engage in small-talk with your new Greek friends? has all the answers you need. Generally, the weather in Greece, even in December, is quite mild and it isn’t much colder than Greek weather in October. Indeed, in many islands such as Santorini, the weather is characterized by much warmth and sun all year long. Talking about the weather in Greek is a must-know topic. From weather conditions to weather changes during the different seasons, this article will help you figure this all out. Table of Contents Vocabulary for Weather Conditions in Greek Talking about... Show more