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Your New Year’s Resolutions Solution: GreekPod101 Inner Circle

Peter here, and welcome to another year of GreekPod101! It’s halfway into January and everyone’s focused on their New Year’s resolutions. This used to happen to me year after year, and now I see it year after year. The start of a new year gives everyone renewed hope that THIS is finally going to be the year they master their goal! The hard truth? 90% of these people will fail. 70% will have given up by February. Resolutions have become a kind of societal joke that we all pretend to play along with. That is, until we actually have to do something about it. Do these numbers surprise you? I know from personal experience that it’s easy to let your goal go. For many, many years I had the same goal year after year! Then one year, that... Show more

Your Greek progress starts now! Take the GreekPod101 Challenge!

Welcome Back Listener! It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2012... Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2013 resolutions. Now that the New Year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is... “How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Greek progress?” One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW. Two: Create a measurable and attainable Greek goal. (Master new 100 words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Greek lessons a week, hold Greek a conversation for 5 minutes, etc.) Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.) It’s as easy as that! So this 2013, take the GreekPod101... Show more

Grab A Sneak Peek At The Greek Lesson Schedule for 2013

Rise and shine, listener! You’re in a new year and you've made your Greek resolution! Just one last thing left to do: start speaking some Greek with GreekPod101. Whether you’re just starting out light with the basics, or going’re about to add some serious Greek muscle this year. You’ll go from simple phrases to dominating conversations in Greek. Why? We’re guiding you every step of the way, that’s why! And we've made it our New Year’s resolution to go heavy too. We’re pushing out all new series – all new lessons to get you learning the Greek language and culture inside-out with native speakers. Stay tuned because the first lessons start publishing on January 7, 2013! Here’s a sneak peek of the GreekPod101 2013... Show more

10 Days of Epic Greek Holiday Deals Start December 10th

Hello Listener, While people were out getting TVs and DVDs... Our listeners were getting better, faster, stronger in Greek instead. Black Friday and Cyber Monday were prime time for language learning.. But if you missed out on Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals at GreekPod101, then good news! The holiday season is fast approaching which means two things: one, wear a sweater and two... The GreekPod101 Holiday Countdown Begins December 10th. Serious about mastering Greek in 2013? Join the Holiday Countdown as we count down the holiday season with 10 days of the 10 BIGGEST deals on Greek Apps, Audiobooks, Software Subscriptions, and much much more. How big? Try 53% OFF Premium! 55% OFF Basic! 50% OFF Apps and more! ... Show more

Share Your Secrets to Greek Success

Hi everyone, Peter Galante, founder of Innovative Language Learning here. With 2012 winding down, it’s time to check in and see just how far your Greek has progressed with GreekPod101! Around this time of year, our inboxes start filling up with success stories from users all around the world. (You can share your story here.) This year, I'd like to share my 2012 Chinese language success story with you. On January 1st, 2012 I made a resolution to learn Chinese. What was different from past years? I wrote out the resolution and left it on my desk, where I looked at it each day; I listened to ChineseClass101 lessons or vocabulary lists each day during commutes on my mobile phone; I used my ChineseClass101 lessons as study material... Show more

Thank Yourself This Thanksgiving & Learn 27 Ways To Say Thank You

Hi Listener, It’s about to get really busy. The holidays are coming up which means... Gifts for moms, gifts for dads, gifts for friends. Everyone but yourself. And your Greek? If you’re not careful, your Greek language will take a backseat. So this Thanksgiving, you come first. Thank yourself with something that gets you speaking better Greek in minutes. We owe you a thank you too! Thank you for learning Greek with GreekPod101 and for being part of the Innovative Language family. To show our gratitude, get a head start on 27 languages in under 2 minutes by learning one of the most important phrases, “Thank You.” Learn how to say “Thank You” in 27 languages with this free video lesson! Click Here For Your Free... Show more

No One App Should Have All This Greek Word Power

Hello Listener, Mothers don’t choose favorites. But we do! When it comes to apps, WordPower Greek v4.0 has a special place in our hearts. And for good reason. WordPower Version 4.0: Not Just an Update, It’s Like a Brand New App WordPower for iPhone and iPad has been rebuilt from top to bottom and the reviews are coming in. This latest update turns WordPower into your complete Greek language and culture course. We've changed the look and added the Greek Local List to the current list of 2,000 words. The Greek Local List contains words and phrases specifically related to Greek daily life and culture. Ever wonder what the most popular beverages are in Greece? Need to know the name of famous landmarks? You’ll learn... Show more

GreekPod101 Goes Mobile! Master Greek with One Thumb, No Squinting Necessary

Let’s play a game of Would You Rather? Would you rather have this... Over 300 Greek learning CDs (yeah, CDs...remember those?) piled to the ceiling in your bedroom next to stacks upon stacks of expensive, outdated textbooks that teach you dry, humorless Greek conversation. ...or this? The same amount of content, shrunken down to fit onto your smartphone or tablet. And all those lessons? They’ve been updated to teach you vocabulary, grammar and culture so that learning Greek is actually fun! The answer is clear. You’d rather have the GreekPod101 Mobile! The biggest Greek course. All on your tiny mobile device. Introducing GreekPod101 Mobile Beta! Take all of your favorite Greek lessons and lesson notes on the go,... Show more

Love our Podcasts? iPhone Tips on How to Listen on the Go!

Another Fall has come and gone and just like that, another iPhone model has hit the market, along with iOS updates for all. If you’ve updated your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to iOS 6 already and tried looking for your favorite podcast, you may be scratching your head wondering if we’ve packed our bags and closed up shop. We haven’t. In fact, we continue to release new lessons every single week in over 25 languages! Here are some tips on where to find us and listen on-the-go!* Using the Podcast App To find these apps using iOS 6, you’ll need to download Apple’s Podcast app. (Here’s a quick link to the free download.) Once you have the Podcast app installed, you’ll be able to find us under Education or... Show more

You’ll never master Greek…

Dear Reader, “You’ll Never Master a Language!” That’s what my foreign language teacher, Mr. Barry, told me many years ago. “I’m sorry, you just don’t have an aptitude for languages” is what he added. Well, he was wrong, and I knew it. I went on to master Japanese, a much harder language than the one Mr. Barry taught, obtaining a master's degree from a top Japanese university and founding a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo. My name is Peter Galante, founder of Innovative Language Learning, and I’m here to tell you the story of how I proved them wrong. So how did I go from language class failure, to founder of a language learning company with over 200 million language lessons delivered? The secret lies in my... Show more