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Archive for the 'Greek Online' Category

A Brief Overview of Greek Culture

The culture of Greece has evolved over thousands of years. From Cycladic and Minoan civilizations to modern Greek society, each period has shaped and left its footprint on Greek culture as we know it today.  On this page, we’ll explore some of the most important aspects of Greek culture, including philosophy, religion, art, and traditional holidays. Keep reading to enter the fascinating world of modern Greek culture. Table of Contents Philosophy & Religion Family & Work Art Food Holidays & Observances Conclusion 1. Philosophy & Religion Philosophy and religion play a huge role in Greek culture and traditions. Becoming familiar with these aspects of Greek society will not only immerse you in the culture,... Show more

An Easy-Breezy Greek Grammar Overview

Grammar books usually consist of endless pages of rules and exceptions...so we’ve decided to make everything simpler for you!In this overview of modern Greek grammar, we’ll introduce you to the very basics of Greek grammar, from vocabulary to cases. Therefore, if you’re contemplating learning Greek, then you’ve come to the right place!In the following sections, you’ll find all of the basic grammar principles of the Greek language so you can start your language learning off on the right foot.   Table of Contents General Rules Verbs Nouns & Articles Adjectives Adverbs Conclusion 1. General Rules We’ve got some good news for you! Greek grammar shares some similarities with English grammar:  Both... Show more

Popular Sayings & Quotes in Greek

Quotes are an essential part of every language, as they demonstrate how the local people perceive important things about life. With this in mind, we’ve prepared for you a comprehensive blog post on the most popular sayings and quotes in Greek. Take a step closer to the Greek language and culture, and start using these quotes today. → And since you’re here, don’t forget to become familiar with the Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker! Table of Contents Quotes About Success Quotes About Life Quotes About Time Quotes About Love Quotes About Family Quotes About Friendship Quotes About Food Quotes About Health Quotes About Language Learning Conclusion ... Show more

A Comprehensive Guide to Greek Business Phrases

If you’re learning Greek for business purposes or if you’re thinking about relocating to Greece for work, then you’re definitely in the right place! In this article, we’ll outline the most common business phrases in Greek for a variety of situations. Greece might have undergone a huge financial crisis, but now it’s time to thrive. Many people from all over the world have decided to relocate to Greece in order to enjoy a slower pace of life, along with kind-hearted people, plenty of sunshine, and magnificent islands. Every language has its own code of ethics when it comes to business. Learning Greek is one thing, but learning all the appropriate ways to interact within a business environment is another. And we’re here to help you... Show more

Learn Greek: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Greek Skills

If you’ve been thinking about ways to improve your Greek, then you’re in the right place! We have the perfect solution for learners who want to supplement their studies with a bit of entertainment: watch Greek YouTube channels!  YouTube has become an integral part of our lives, mainly for entertainment purposes. However, over the past few years, the video streaming channel has also revolutionized education. Many teachers have decided to offer educational videos on this modern medium, which allows them to combine their teaching process with helpful visuals and explanations.  Another important advantage of YouTube is its accessibility. People from all over the world can easily access an unprecedented number of videos and literally find... Show more

How to Say Goodbye in Greek

Goodbyes aren’t easy.  Saying goodbye is a heartfelt and difficult process, but it’s an integral part of everyday life. The good news is that we’re here to make it easier for you.  If you’ve ever wondered how to say goodbye in Greek, then you’re in the right place! After reading this article, you’ll be able to say goodbye in any situation. Before we continue, let’s refresh ourselves on the basics, shall we? How to Say Hello in GreekHow to Introduce Yourself in Greek Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE!(Logged-In Member Only) Table of Contents The Most Common Ways to Say Goodbye Specific Ways to Say Goodbye Saying Goodbye Based on the Time of Day Foreign Goodbye... Show more

Is Greek Hard to Learn?

Learning a new language can be intimidating. When it comes to a less-popular language like Greek, spoken by only 13.8 million people worldwide, many potential learners wonder "Is it hard to learn Greek?" The good news is that Greek is a branch of the Indo-European languages. This means that it shares many common characteristics with Spanish, English, and Italian.  The bad news is… Wait a minute! Is there really any bad news?  If you’re reading this article, then you should be fluent in English, regardless of your mother tongue. There it is: you’re already familiar with the philosophy of the most popular Indo-European language. This is a huge asset that will play an important role during your Greek-learning journey.  With... Show more

The Most Common Mistakes in Learning Greek

We all make mistakes. That’s a fact.  When it comes to learning a new language, it’s almost certain that you’ll make numerous mistakes. And mistakes on top of those mistakes. And a few more. But you’ll learn. It’s all part of the learning process, right? In this article, we’ll go over the most common mistakes Greek language-learners make. Learn everything you need to know early on, so that you can avoid these mistakes in Greek and sound more like a native speaker. Table of Contents Greek Pronunciation Mistakes Greek Vocabulary Mistakes Greek Grammar Mistakes Other Greek Mistakes The Biggest Mistake Conclusion 1. Greek Pronunciation Mistakes The most common mistake in Greek pronunciation is... Show more

The Top 10 Popular Greek Questions and Answers

"Oh, how can I say this in Greek?" You’ve been there. We know. That’s why we’ve created this blog post, featuring the top ten most popular questions and their answers in Greek.  Whether you’ve just started learning Greek or you’re thinking about it, after reading this guide, you’ll be able to construct simple Greek questions and answers with accuracy.  Table of Contents What’s your name? Where are you from? Do you speak Greek? How long have you been studying Greek? Have you been to Greece? What’s the weather like today? Do you like Greek food? What are you doing? What’s wrong? How much is it? Conclusion 1. What’s your name? So, what’s the first thing you... Show more

Your Guide to the Greek Language Certification Examination

So, you’ve been learning Greek for a while, and have reached a certain level of fluency.  Now what?Learning a new language is mainly a personal journey, but there are certain situations where having a certification could be useful. Through an official Greek test or exam, you can test your knowledge and add a new language to your CV.  Here’s everything you need to know about getting your Greek language knowledge certified. Table of Contents General Information About the Exam Examination Sections A1 Level - Beginner A2 Level - Elementary B1 Level - Intermediate B2 Level - Upper-Intermediate C1 Level - Advanced C2 Level - Proficiency Tips on How to Prepare for the Exam Conclusion ... Show more