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Archive for the 'Advanced Greek' Category

Greek Phrases for Advanced Students

You’ve spent hours studying Greek and have finally reached the advanced level. Congrats! Take a moment to smile and appreciate your effort. At this point, many of our students tend to feel stuck. It hasn’t been easy coming this far, but what more is there to learn?  With this article, we aim to give you a little boost. Continue reading to discover some advanced Greek phrases that will take your conversation skills to the next level in a variety of situations.  ➜ Don’t forget to check out our article on advanced Greek words, where you can enhance your vocabulary and take a step closer to Greek fluency! Table of Contents Useful Phrases for Academic Writing Phrases to Make Your Resume Stand Out Smart Phrases for Business... Show more

150 Advanced Greek Words to Expand Your Vocabulary

Ready to take your Greek to the next level? If you’re an advanced Greek learner, you might have wondered at times about the Greek equivalents of words belonging to specific terminologies. In this article, we have gathered 150 advanced Greek words in the academic, business, medical, and legal sectors, along with examples of their use. Moreover, we have also included a few sophisticated verbs, adverbs, and adjectives to use in place of their simpler counterparts. These words will really make a difference in your writing!  If you haven’t done so already, please check out our articles on beginner words and intermediate words, too. Table of Contents Advanced Academic Words Advanced Business Words Advanced Medical Words ... Show more

Your Guide to the Greek Language Certification Examination

So, you’ve been learning Greek for a while, and have reached a certain level of fluency.  Now what?Learning a new language is mainly a personal journey, but there are certain situations where having a certification could be useful. Through an official Greek test or exam, you can test your knowledge and add a new language to your CV.  Here’s everything you need to know about getting your Greek language knowledge certified. Table of Contents General Information About the Exam Examination Sections A1 Level - Beginner A2 Level - Elementary B1 Level - Intermediate B2 Level - Upper-Intermediate C1 Level - Advanced C2 Level - Proficiency Tips on How to Prepare for the Exam Conclusion ... Show more

Greek Life Events Phrases: Happy Birthday in Greek & More

Ever wondered how to say Happy Birthday in Greek? Well, now you can easily learn all the useful Greek phrases about various life events, brought to you in this article by GreekPod101.com. Learning—and using—the most popular Greek life event messages, such as Merry Christmas in Greek and Happy New Year in Greek, can be a nice surprise for your Greek friends. Let’s have a look at the most appropriate ready-to-use Greek congratulations phrases you can use for each of the following occasions. Table of Contents Birthday Pregnancy and Birth Graduation New Job or Promotion Retirement Wedding Death or Funeral Bad News Illness or Injury Holidays New Beginnings within the Year ... Show more