You have studied so hard over the past few months and are finally approaching the intermediate level. At this point, many of our students ask: “What can I do to expand my vocabulary?”
We hear you! That’s why we’ve created this article, which includes some of the most popular everyday phrases for intermediate-level Greek learners. We have compiled here more than 30 intermediate Greek phrases that will boost your Greek and help you speak like a local.
→ Also, check out our Intermediate Greek Words article to find more than 300 words you should know at the intermediate level.
Grab your notebook and a pen—that’s all you’ll need.

- Talking About Past Events
- Making and Changing Plans
- Explaining and Listing Reasons
- Making Recommendations and Complaints
- Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
- Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
- Conclusion
1. Talking About Past Events

During everyday conversations, we often talk about our past experiences. To help you improve your Greek conversation skills, we have gathered some of the most common Greek phrases for talking about the past—from what you did last night to when you started working somewhere.
- Greek: Περάσαμε πολύ ωραία χθες στο πάρτι.
- Romanization: Perásame polí oréa hthes sto párti.
- Translation: “We had a wonderful time at the party last night.”
- Greek: Ξεκίνησα αυτή τη δουλειά πριν τρία χρόνια.
- Romanization: Xekínisa aftí ti duliá prin tría hrónia.
- Translation: “I started this job three years ago.”
- Greek: Αυτή ήταν η χειρότερη μέρα της ζωής μου.
- Romanization: Aftí ítan i hiróteri méra tis zoís mu.
- Translation: “This was the worst day of my life.”
- Greek: Πριν μερικά χρόνια είχα έναν σκύλο που τον έλεγαν Cookie.
- Romanization: Prin meriká hrónia íha énan skílo pu ton élegan Cookie.
- Translation: “A few years ago, I had a dog named Cookie.”
- Greek: Μετακόμισα εδώ πέρυσι.
- Romanization: Metakómisa edó périsi.
- Translation: “I moved here last year.”
- Greek: Χθες έβρεχε πολύ και φυσούσε.
- Romanization: Hthes évrehe polí ke fisúse.
- Translation: “Yesterday, it was raining a lot, and it was windy.”
2. Making and Changing Plans

Making and changing plans is a popular topic of discussion between friends, as well as in business settings. Write down and practice the following intermediate phrases in Greek, because you’ll definitely need them at some point.
- Greek: Έχεις χρόνο αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο;
- Romanization: Éhis hróno aftó to Savatokíriako?
- Translation: “Do you have time this weekend?”
- Greek: Τι θα έλεγες για ελληνικό φαγητό;
- Romanization: Ti tha éleyes ya elinikó fayitó?
- Translation: “How about Greek food?”
- Greek: Μπορώ να φέρω μαζί μου το αγόρι / κορίτσι μου;
- Romanization: Boró na féro mazí mu to agóri / korítsi mu?
- Translation: “Can I bring my boyfriend / girlfriend along?”
- Greek: Αναρωτιόμουν αν θα μπορούσαμε να το κανονίσουμε κάποια άλλη φορά.
- Romanization: Anarotiómun an tha borúsame na to kanonísume kápia áli forá.
- Translation: “I was wondering if we could reschedule for another time.”
- Greek: Θέλετε να κάνουμε μια κλήση μέσω Zoom την επόμενη Τρίτη, για να συζητήσουμε τις λεπτομέρειες;
- Romanization: Thélete na kánume mia klísi méso Zoom tin epómeni Tríti, ya na sizitísume tis leptoméries?
- Translation: “Would you like to have a call via Zoom next Tuesday in order to discuss the details?”
- Greek: Θέλεις να πάμε για καφέ το επόμενο Σάββατο;
- Romanization: Thélis na páme ya kafé to epómeno Sávato?
- Translation: “Would you like to go for a coffee next Saturday?”
3. Explaining and Listing Reasons

Explaining the reasons behind your actions has never been easier! Here are three basic sentence patterns to use, depending on the situation:
1 – I did this because…
- Greek: Το έκανα αυτό, επειδή…
- Romanization: To ékana aftó, epidí…
- Translation: “I did this because…”
- Το έκανα αυτό επειδή έπρεπε.
To ékana aftó epidí éprepe.
“I did this because I had to.”
- Το έκανα αυτό επειδή ήμουν απασχολημένος.
To ékana aftó epidí ímun apasholiménos.
“I did this because I was busy.”
2 – I believe this is the right thing to do because…
- Greek: Πιστεύω ότι αυτό είναι το σωστό, διότι…
- Romanization: Pistévo óti aftó íne to sostó, dióti…
- Translation: “I believe this is the right thing to do because…”
- Πιστεύω ότι αυτό είναι το σωστό, διότι θα αυξήσει τα κέρδη μας.
Pistévo óti aftó íne to sostó, dióti tha afxísi ta kérdi mas.
“I believe this is the right thing to do because it will increase our profit.”
- Πιστεύω ότι αυτό είναι το σωστό, διότι είναι ηθικό.
Pistévo óti aftó íne to sostó, dióti íne ithikó.
“I believe this is the right thing to do because it’s ethical.”
3 – I chose it for three reasons. First… Second… Third…
- Greek: Το επέλεξα για τρεις λόγους. Πρώτον… Δεύτερον… Τρίτον…
- Romanization: To epélexa ya tris lógus. Próton,… Défteron… Tríton…
- Translation: “I chose it for three reasons. First… Second… Third…
- Το επέλεξα για τρεις λόγους. Πρώτον, είναι φτηνό. Δεύτερον, είναι δημοφιλές. Τρίτον, είναι καλής ποιότητας.
To epélexa ya tris lógus. Próton, íne ftinó. Défteron, íne dimofilés. Tríton, íne kalís piótitas.
“I chose it for three reasons. First, it is cheap. Second, it is popular. Third, it is of good quality.”
- Το επέλεξα για τρεις λόγους. Πρώτον, είναι άνετο. Δεύτερον, είναι μαύρο. Τρίτον, είναι όμορφο.
To epélexa ya tris lógus. Próton, íne áneto. Défteron, íne mávro. Tríton, íne ómorfo.
“I chose it for three reasons. First, it is comfortable. Second, it is black. Third, it is beautiful.”
4. Making Recommendations and Complaints

At the intermediate level, you will have to go well beyond simply saying Μου αρέσει (Mu arési) – “I like it” or Δεν μου αρέσει (Den mu arési) – “I don’t like it.”
Below, you’ll find some ideas on how to express your satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with a product or a service; we have also included some phrases you can use to recommend something you enjoyed. These phrases can also be used to leave some feedback for a hotel you’ve stayed at or a restaurant you’ve visited.
- Greek: Πρέπει να το δοκιμάσεις! Είναι το καλύτερο παγωτό που έχω φάει ποτέ.
- Romanization: Prépi na to dokimásis! Íne to kalítero pagotó pu ého fái poté.
- Translation: “You should try this! It’s the best ice cream I’ve ever had.”
- Greek: Μας άρεσε πολύ η διαμονή σε αυτό το ξενοδοχείο. Θα το επιλέγαμε ξανά χωρίς ενδοιασμούς.
- Romanization: Mas árese polí i diamoní se aftó to xenodohío. Tha to epilégame xaná horís endiazmús.
- Translation: “We really liked staying at this hotel. We would choose it again without hesitation.”
- Greek: Κακή εξυπηρέτηση πελατών. Δεν θα το πρότεινα.
- Romanization: Kakí exipirétisi pelatón. Den tha to prótina.
- Translation: “Bad customer service. I would not recommend it.”
- Greek: Όλα ήταν τέλεια! Το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα!
- Romanization: Óla ítan télia! To protíno anepifílakta!
- Translation: “Everything was perfect! I heartily recommend this.”
5. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations

Reactions are spontaneous, which is why Greek learners tend to use exclamations in their own language. It takes some practice getting used to natural Greek reactions, but once you master them, you’ll sound more like a native speaker.
Here are a few ideas:
- Greek: Τέλεια!
- Romanization: Télia!
- Translation: “Great!”
- Greek: Σίγουρα;
- Romanization: Sígura?
- Translation: “Are you sure?”
- Greek: Ω θεέ μου!
- Romanization: O theé mu!
- Translation: “Oh my goodness!”
- Greek: Ουάου!
- Romanization: Uáu!
- Translation: “Wow!”
- Greek: Σοβαρά;
- Romanization: Sovará?
- Translation: “Seriously?”
- Greek: Αλήθεια;
- Romanization: Alíthia?
- Translation: “Really?”
- Greek: Αυτό είναι ανησυχητικό.
- Romanization: Aftó íne anisihitikó.
- Translation: “This is concerning.”
- Greek: Ω τι έγινε;
- Romanization: O ti éyine?
- Translation: “Oh, what happened?”
- Greek: Τι ωραία νέα!
- Romanization: Ti oréa néa!
- Translation: “What lovely news!”
6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings

Last but not least, let’s look at some intermediate Greek phrases that are part of the local etiquette. The following phrases are frequently used in social and business settings, so learning them is especially important if you plan on moving to Greece.
- Greek: Καλή όρεξη!
- Romanization: Kalí órexi!
- Translation: “Bon appétit!”
- Greek: Καλώς ήρθατε στο κατάστημά μας!
- Romanization: Kalós írthate sto katástimá mas!
- Translation: “Welcome to our store!”
- Greek: Σαν στο σπίτι σας!
- Romanization: San sto spíti sas!
- Translation: “Make yourself at home!”
- Greek: Παρακαλώ πείτε μου εάν έχετε οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση.
- Romanization: Parakaló píte mu eán éhete opiadípote erótisi.
- Translation: “Please let me know if you have any questions.”
- Greek: Ανυπομονώ να έχω νέα σας.
- Romanization: Anipomonó na ého néa sas.
- Translation: “I am looking forward to hearing from you.”
- Greek: Καλό ταξίδι!
- Romanization: Kaló taxídi!
- Translation: “Have a nice trip!”
7. Conclusion
In this article, we covered some of the essential Greek phrases for the intermediate level. Did you know any of them already, or are they all new to you? If you’re a complete novice, the phrases we included might feel like a bit too much for you, so just take it step by step.
→ If you’re a beginner, don’t forget to check out our beginner phrases article, as well.
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