Learn Greek Online with Podcasts


Over the past few years, the number of podcasts out there has continued to increase. Now, you can find a podcast on almost any subject that interests you. But did you know that you can use them to improve your Greek?

In this article, we have gathered the best Greek podcasts for each level: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. Don’t miss all the tips and tricks we share later on, as they’ll help you get the most out of Greek podcasts and really boost your Greek-language skills!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Greek Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Greek
  2. The Top 10 Podcasts for Greek Learners
  3. Tricks to Help You Learn Greek More Effectively with Podcasts
  4. Conclusion

1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Greek

A man walking in the city with a headset on

Listening to podcasts is the perfect way to improve your Greek listening skills. 

They offer plenty of benefits: 

  • Easy practice on the go
    How many hours do you spend on the go? Commuting to and from work can take up to two hours per day. Now, imagine turning those hours into something useful. Podcasts offer you the opportunity to practice Greek anytime and anywhere. You just need your smartphone and a good pair of earphones.
  • Usually affordable (or even free)
    There might be some subscription-based podcasts with a small fee, but the majority of them are free to listen to. Therefore, you can access tons of audio material and improve your Greek listening and speaking skills at little to no cost.
  • Listening skills improvement
    The more exposure you have to Greek, the better your listening skills will become. Listening to native speakers could be your great breakthrough in your Greek learning journey. And don’t forget that by improving your listening skills, you’ll also improve your speaking skills and your pronunciation.
  • Wide variety of subjects, so you can always find something that interests you
    Listening to something that does not align with your interests might be more boring than listening to nothing at all. Thankfully, more and more Greek podcasts are being produced each day, with some of them focusing on specific subjects such as comedy, social matters, or technology.

2. The Top 10 Podcasts for Greek Learners

A Young Man in His Bedroom Listening to Podcasts


  1. GreekPod101
    GreekPod101 is the fastest and easiest way to learn Greek through podcasts. And you know why? Because the lessons themselves are podcast-style, which is ideal for beginner Greek students. However, there are also tons of lessons for learners at any level. And the best part? You’ll learn, review, and practice at the same time. Last but not least, GreekPod101 also offers a dedicated app for easy access to the material on the go.
  1. Greek on the Go
    Although this is not exactly a podcast, Greek on the Go has many podcast-like Greek resources as well as videos and everyday dialogues with transcripts. It’s perfect if you want to expand your vocabulary, learn everyday phrases, and get a glimpse of typical Greek conversations.
  1. One Minute Greek
    Can one minute of learning Greek make a difference? Sure it can! This is one of the best Greek podcasts for beginners, ideal for those who need a quick crash course before visiting Greece. While listening to this podcast, you’ll learn all the basics in a fun and engaging way.


  1. Your Greek Word on a Sunday
    If you have a minute to spare during your Sunday, then check out this podcast. You’ll get to learn one new Greek word each Sunday, and the audio usually lasts less than one minute. Listening just once a week can really help you get closer to your language learning goals, especially when combined with other study methods.
  1. Podcasts from the Hellenic American Union
    The Hellenic American Union has done a wonderful job putting together this podcast series aimed at promoting Greek culture. Each episode is around 10 minutes long and includes a story featuring a Greek character. This is perfect for Greek learners, regardless of their age, who want to complement their language studies with light cultural immersion.


  1. SBS Greek
    If you’re an advanced learner and want to listen to world news in Greek, then this is the place to be! The SBS Greek podcast updates its material on a regular basis, and each episode lasts about 15 minutes.
  1. Greek for the Week
    This podcast by Chris Palmer focuses on biblical concepts, with an emphasis on discussing the New Testament in Greek. During this experience, you’ll be provided with scripts in Greek before hearing an analysis, which usually includes a lot of cultural elements.
  1. Dialogos Radio
    This podcast features interviews on a wide variety of topics, including the arts, culture, and even politics. What’s special about the Dialogos Radio podcast is that the interviews are offered in both Greek and English, so you can cross-check and make sure that you understand what you hear in depth.


  1. Greekpodcasts.com
    For a deep dive into Greek culture, visit GreekPodcasts. Here, you’ll find material from people who want to promote the Greek spirit, including deep conversations that will certainly pique your interest.
  1. Pod.gr
    This is the place where famous Greek podcasters gather, and the result is impeccable. The best part is that all podcasts here are offered for free. You can find podcasts in Greek that cover a huge range of topics, from social matters to comedy and archeology—you name it! After all, most listeners are native Greeks who fancy diving into podcasts themselves. What better way to keep your listening skills sharp?

3. Tricks to Help You Learn Greek More Effectively with Podcasts

A Happy Man Listening to Podcasts through His Headset

Now you’ve got an idea of what’s available. But how can you get the most out of Greek podcasts? How can you use them to improve your Greek?

Here are a few tips & tricks: 

  • Look up any unfamiliar words and write them down.
    A small notepad could always come in handy, or you could even utilize a digital notepad for this purpose—whichever works best for you. Write down any unfamiliar words you hear, even if you don’t know how to spell them correctly. Use Google to learn their spelling, and keep notes on their meaning and their use. Dedicate 15 minutes every day to fill in the appropriate information for each word.
  • Create flashcards with any new words you hear. 
    Using flashcards to memorize new words might not be a new learning method, but when combined with podcasts, it becomes even more useful. After writing the words down, you might want to create flashcards so you can review them from time to time. If you’re into arts and crafts, you can create traditional flashcards with pen and paper; you could also use digital platforms to store, review, and edit your own flashcards.
  • Record your own voice.
    Take advantage of podcasts to improve your pronunciation, too! It’s not only about listening, but also speaking. Write down a few phrases or sentences you hear during the podcast. Listen to them carefully and then repeat them. Record your voice and compare it to the podcast hosts’. Did it sound the same? Then you’re doing great!
  • Listen to podcasts while driving.
    Are you often stuck in traffic? Have you ever felt that your commute time was wasted? Well, not anymore! Listen to Greek podcasts while driving and learn Greek effortlessly. You could also engage with your fellow passengers and learn Greek together!
  • Adjust the speed.
    Some audio players have a speed adjustment function. This is very useful for beginners who want to take a step back and study the pronunciation of each word in greater depth. Many students find that native Greeks speak too quickly, so this function can be a real lifesaver.

4. Conclusion

A happy woman listening to podcasts on the go

In this article, we’ve introduced you to the best ways to use podcasts for Greek learning. This is something that we’re quite an expert on since podcasts are the core of our educational platform. 

GreekPod101.com grants you access to high-quality, practical lessons about the Greek language and culture. We aim to provide you with everything you need to learn Greek in a fun and interesting way. 

If you need a bit more help, you can also upgrade to Premium PLUS and take advantage of our MyTeacher service to learn Greek with your own personal teacher, who will answer any questions you might have!

Before you go, have you listened to any of the podcasts on our list? Or do you have any tips to share with the community?

Let us know in the comments below!

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