Learn Greek: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Greek Skills


If you’ve been thinking about ways to improve your Greek, then you’re in the right place! We have the perfect solution for learners who want to supplement their studies with a bit of entertainment: watch Greek YouTube channels! 

YouTube has become an integral part of our lives, mainly for entertainment purposes. However, over the past few years, the video streaming channel has also revolutionized education. Many teachers have decided to offer educational videos on this modern medium, which allows them to combine their teaching process with helpful visuals and explanations. 

Another important advantage of YouTube is its accessibility. People from all over the world can easily access an unprecedented number of videos and literally find anything they need to learn. 

You may be glad to know that GreekPod101 has its own YouTube channel. We offer exclusive educational videos which offer complete and ready-to-use knowledge about the Greek language, from the basics to more specific subjects. 

But while we may have the best Greek learning YouTube channel, we understand that everyone has different tastes. That’s why we’ve included channels in a variety of categories, from comedy to science and plenty of things in-between!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Greek Table of Contents
  1. Zouzounia TV
  2. Visit Greece
  3. SKAI.gr
  4. Dionysis Atzarakis
  5. Giorgos Vagiatas
  6. Astronio
  7. Καθημερινή Φυσική
  8. Ευτύχης Μπλέτσας
  9. Learn Greek with GreekPod101.com
  10. Conclusion

1. Zouzounia TV

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Zouzounia TVChildren’s Songs & CartoonsBeginnerΗ Καμήλα

When you think about combining your Greek studies with entertainment, children’s songs and cartoons might not be the first thing to come to mind—but they work wonders for beginners. 

Here are some significant benefits that children’s songs offer: 

  • They use simple Greek vocabulary and sentences
  • They are obviously the best choice for involving your children in your Greek learning process
  • They have catchy melodies, making it easier to remember the lyrics

More specifically, Zouzounia TV is one of the largest YouTube channels in this category.

The word Ζουζούνια (Zuzúnia) literally means “Bugs.” However, it’s a popular Greek word that’s often used to refer to young children in a cute way.

Here’s an example of what a caring Greek mother might say to her young child:

  • Greek: Ζουζούνι μου, θέλεις κι άλλο χυμό;
  • Romanization: Zuzúni mu, thélis ki állo himó?
  • Meaning: “My sweet little bug, do you want some more juice?”

The channel includes Greek songs, often with subtitles. The videos are designed to help children learn proper Greek, but those who are just starting their Greek language learning journey can make good use of it, too! 

2. Visit Greece

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Visit GreeceTravelAbsolute BeginnerUnlock Your Senses in Cyclades

So, you’ve decided to learn Greek…. But there are days when you feel exhausted or procrastination takes over, and you need a little push to stay focused and motivated.

The Visit Greece channel is exactly what you need! This official YouTube channel is run by the Greek Ministry of Tourism and features the most wonderful aspects of Greece. Get lost in a virtual travel experience and learn more about the fascinating Greek culture.

This channel is perfect for absolute beginners, since you can dive into the beauties of Greece and Greek culture with no prior knowledge of the language. 

3. SKAI.gr

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
SKAI.grNews, Shows, Cooking, TravelBeginner – IntermediateΓεύσεις Στη Φύση

SKAI is a major news channel in Greece, offering one of the most popular and diverse Greek news YouTube channels. Here you can enjoy a wide range of genres, ranging from The Skai News coverage of the latest news to popular reality shows. 

If you know the Greek basics, we think you’ll find this channel highly beneficial. 

4. Dionysis Atzarakis

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Dionysis AtzarakisMovies & HumorIntermediate – AdvancedΜια γνώμη για το τέλος του Game of Thrones

What happens when a Greek comedian decides to review movies and series? 

Dionysis Atzarakis has brought to all of us Cinelthete, a Greek show where popular Hollywood movies get roasted. However, he’s not alone in this journey, as he joins forces with his good friend Thomas Zabras, another talented standup comedian. The result is a mix of elegant humor and short impersonation sessions. 

Once again, to get the most enjoyment from this Greek comedy YouTube channel, you should have an intermediate language level or higher. 

5. Giorgos Vagiatas

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Giorgos VagiatasStandup Comedy, TravelIntermediate – AdvancedTop 10 Κατοικιδίων

A group of friends decides to cross Europe in an RV, starting from Serres in Greece and reaching the Gibraltar peninsula, and record their adventures. An innovative idea, which became a beloved series for many Greek fans.

Η εκπομπή με το τροχόσπιτο (RV there yet?), meaning “The show with the motorhome,” will travel you through Europe’s southern shores, featuring many major cities like Florence, Monaco, and Cannes—all the way to Gibraltar. If you love travel and culture, this is the Greek language YouTube channel for you!

However, Giorgos Vagiatas has also released another popular series of videos, featuring Top 10 lists from his unique point of view. 

6. Astronio

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
AstronioPopular Science & AstrophysicsIntermediate – AdvancedΗ Ζωή Στο Ηλιακό Σύστημα

Pavlos Kastanas, a young Greek astrophysicist and science lecturer made a decision: he created Astronio, a YouTube channel focusing on astrophysics. His goal was to explain various science-related phenomena in plain language without skimping on important facts.

On this YouTube channel, you can treat your curiosity with accurate answers to the questions that wander around your head at night:

Astronio, the ultimate Greek YouTube channel for astrophysics-lovers, answers these questions and many more! 

7. Καθημερινή Φυσική

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Καθημερινή ΦυσικήPopular Science & FactsIntermediateΘεωρία Παιγνίων: Το δίλημμα του φυλακισμένου

Channels about popular science are now a trend in Greece, we get it!

So, what’s so special about this one?

Well, Καθημερινή Φυσική (Kathimeriní Fisikí), or “Everyday Science,” uses thoughtful cartoons in order to explain nearly everything that’s happening around us. Plus, the language used is slightly easier compared to that of other YouTube channels with similar themes. 

8. Ευτύχης Μπλέτσας

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Ευτύχης ΜπλέτσαςTravelIntermediateHappy Traveller στην Ικαρία

Over the past four years, Eftihis, along with his wife Helektra and their dog Hercules, travel the world and share with viewers lovely travel tips for experiencing each destination like a local. He also shows appreciation for good food and nature.

Having visited more than fifty countries all over the world, he has grown to be a travel expert, always searching for new experiences.

Join Eftihis in this unique journey and practice your Greek listening skills!

Their show, Happy Traveller, is also broadcasted by one of the major Greek TV channels, SKAI

9. Learn Greek with GreekPod101.com

Channel NameChannel ThemeLevelExample Video
Learn Greek with GreekPod101.comEducation, Language LearningAbsolute Beginner – AdvancedLearn Greek in 30 Minutes: ALL the Basics You Need

Looking for a pure educational approach to the Greek language?

Then you’re already in the right place!

The GreekPod101.com channel on YouTube offers tons of free educational videos to take your Greek to the next level.  

Start learning today:

And many, many more!

Regardless of your level, the GreekPod101 YouTube channel will definitely add to your knowledge! 

10. Conclusion

What’s your favorite Greek YouTube channel? Did you have the chance to take a look at any of the ones above? Let us know in the comments below!

Learning is about so much more than traditional methods. It’s everywhere around us, even on YouTube! Take advantage of this opportunity and get to know Greek culture through the numerous Greek videos available. 

Start learning Greek today in a consistent and organized manner by creating a free lifetime account on GreekPod101.com. Tons of free vocabulary lists, YouTube videos, and grammar tips are waiting for you to discover.

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