Greek Words for Traveling and Greek Phrases for Tourists


Greece is a popular destination for summer vacations. People from all over the world come to Greece to experience the history, the culture, the sun, and the scenic islands. Therefore, Greece has a long tradition in the tourism industry; if you ever decide to visit, it won’t be difficult to communicate, since most people here speak English fluently. However, a trip to Greece could be an exceptional opportunity to practice your Greek and feel a little bit closer to the locals.

In this article, has gathered the most common phrases you might need while visiting Greece. Regardless of your Greek knowledge level, this blog post will provide you with a wide variety of ready-to-use and useful Greek phrases for travel.

So let’s get on with it and learn Greek phrases for travel!

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Greek Travel Phrases
  2. Transportation
  3. Shopping
  4. Restaurants
  5. Directions
  6. Emergencies
  7. Flattery Phrases
  8. Language Problems
  9. Conclusion


1. Basic Greek Travel Phrases

Preparing to Travel

Let’s begin with some basic Greek phrases for travel you might need. The usage of the following phrases is exactly the same as their translation in English. Generally, Greeks are fascinated when someone tries to communicate in their language, and usually chat along with a big smile. So, don’t hesitate; go on and use some of the basic expressions listed below.

1- Ευχαριστώ. / Παρακαλώ.

  • Greek: Ευχαριστώ. / Παρακαλώ.
  • Romanization: Efharistó. / Parakaló.
  • Meaning: “Thank you.” / “You’re welcome.”


  • Greek:
    — Ορίστε, τα ρέστα σας.
    — Ευχαριστώ!
    — Παρακαλώ!
  • Romanization:
    Oríste, ta résta sas.
  • Meaning:
    — “Here is your change.”
    — “Thank you!”
    — “You’re welcome!”

2- Συγγνώμη.

  • Greek: Συγγνώμη.
    Romanization: Signómi.
    Meaning: “I’m sorry.”


  • Greek:
    — Συγγνώμη που άργησα.
    — Όλα καλά. Δεν πειράζει.
  • Romanization:
    Signómi pu áryisa.
    Óla kalá. Den pirázi.
  • Meaning:
    — “I’m sorry for being late.”
    — “Everything’s fine. It doesn’t matter.”

3- Ναι. / Όχι.

  • Greek: Ναι. / Όχι.
  • Romanization: Ne. / Óhi.
  • Meaning: “Yes.” / “No.”


  • Greek:
    — Θα θέλατε επιδόρπιο;
    — Ναι / Όχι. Ευχαριστώ.
  • Romanization:
    Tha thélate epidórpio?
    Ne / Óhi. Efharistó.
  • Meaning:
    — “Would you like some dessert?”
    — “Yes.” / “No. Thank you.”

4- Δεν μιλώ ελληνικά.

  • Greek: Δεν μιλώ ελληνικά.
  • Romanization: De miló elliniká.
  • Meaning: “I don’t speak Greek.”

5- Μου αρέσει. / Δεν μου αρέσει.

  • Greek: Μου αρέσει. / Δεν μου αρέσει.
  • Romanization: Mu arési. / De mu arési.
  • Meaning: “I like it.” / “I don’t like it.”

Do you want to learn some more basic Greek phrases for tourists? Check out our blog post on How to Say Hello in Greek and master your knowledge.

2. Transportation

Airplane Phrases

If you’re visiting Athens, you can use a wide variety of public transportation, ranging from the metro, trains, trolleys, buses, and trams. However, for other parts of the country, buses and taxis might be your only options. Generally, getting around Greece is quite easy in terms of communication, mainly because information is almost always available in English as well.

However, knowing a few of these useful Greek phrases for travel definitely won’t hurt!

1- [Διεύθυνση] παρακαλώ.

  • Greek: [Διεύθυνση] παρακαλώ.
  • Romanization: [Diéfthinsi] parakaló.
  • Meaning: “To [Address] please.”

2- Σε ποια στάση πρέπει να κατέβω;

  • Greek: Σε ποια στάση πρέπει να κατέβω;
  • Romanization: Se pia stási prépi na katévo?
  • Meaning: “In which station should I get off?”

3- Πώς μπορώ να πάω στον/στην/στο….[τοποθεσία];

  • Greek: Πώς μπορώ να πάω στον/στην/στο [τοποθεσία];
  • Romanization: Pós boró na páo sto/stin/sto [topothesía]?
  • Meaning: “How can I get to [location]?”

4- Πού μπορώ να αγοράσω εισιτήριο;

  • Greek: Που μπορώ να αγοράσω εισιτήριο;
  • Romanization: Pu boró na agoráso isitírio?
  • Meaning: “Where can I buy a ticket?”

3. Shopping

Basic Questions

While shopping in Greece, you probably won’t face any problems, as most employees speak English. Nevertheless, this is another opportunity to freshen up your Greek, and no list of Greek words for travelling would be complete without shopping phrases.

Also keep in mind that Greece, as a member of the European Union, uses Euro (€) as currency. Take this opportunity and practice some Greek language travel phrases by using the following:

1- Πόσο κάνει; / Πόσο κοστίζει;

  • Greek: Πόσο κάνει; / Πόσο κοστίζει;
  • Romanization: Póso káni? / Póso kostízi?
  • Meaning: “How much does it cost?”

2- Μπορώ να πληρώσω με κάρτα;

  • Greek: Μπορώ να πληρώσω με κάρτα;
  • Romanization: Boró na pliróso me kárta?
  • Meaning: “Can I pay by card (Debit; Credit)?”

3- Παρακαλώ, μου δίνετε αυτό;

  • Greek: Παρακαλώ, μου δίνετε αυτό;
  • Romanization: Parakaló, mu dínete aftó?
  • Meaning: “Could you give me that, please?”

4- Τι είναι πιο δημοφιλές;

  • Greek: Τι είναι πιο δημοφιλές;
  • Romanization: Ti íne pio dimofilés?
  • Meaning: “What is popular?”

5- Τι μου προτείνετε;

  • Greek: Τι μου προτείνετε;
  • Romanization: Ti mu protínete?
  • Meaning: “What do you recommend?”

Do you want to expand your knowledge? Check out our article on Greek Numbers, which can be quite handy for shopping, when referring to prices.

4. Restaurants

A Man and a Woman at a Restaurant Ordering from a Waiter

Planning on visiting Greece? Great! It’s time to leave behind your ordinary dieting schedule, because in Greece you will eat—a lot! Greek cuisine is part of the Mediterranean cuisine, including lots of vegetables and pure olive oil.

Looking for travel tips in Greece? Greece has a long tradition in food and you should definitely try the specialties of a local taverna.

Ordering in Greek can be a piece of cake by using the following expressions:

1- Μπορώ να δω το μενού, παρακαλώ;

  • Greek: Μπορώ να δω το μενού, παρακαλώ;
  • Romanization: Boró na do to menú, parakaló?
  • Meaning: “Could I see the menu, please?”
  • 2- Αυτό, παρακαλώ.

    • Greek: Αυτό, παρακαλώ. / Ένα νερό, παρακαλώ. / Μία μπίρα, παρακαλώ.
    • Romanization: Aftó, parakaló. / Éna neró, parakaló. / Mía bíra, parakaló.
    • Meaning: “( I would like… ) This, please. / A (bottle of) water, please/ A (can of) beer, please.”

    3- Μπορώ να έχω τον λογαριασμό, παρακαλώ;

    • Greek: Μπορώ να έχω τον λογαριασμό, παρακαλώ;
    • Romanization: Boró na ého ton logariazmó, parakaló?
    • Meaning: “Could I have the check, please?”

    4- Αυτό είναι πολύ νόστιμο.

    • Greek: Αυτό είναι πολύ νόστιμο.
    • Romanization: Aftó íne polí nóstimo.
    • Meaning: “This is very tasty.” / “This is delicious.”

    5- Είμαι χορτοφάγος.

    • Greek: Είμαι χορτοφάγος.
    • Romanization: Íme hortofágos.
    • Meaning: “I am a vegetarian.”

    5. Directions

    A Man Holding a Map Asking for Directions

    Wandering around Greece can become tricky, especially when looking for specific attractions. Greeks are always eager to help you with some directions, so don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need. The essential Greek travel phrases listed below can be used in a wide variety of situations for asking or giving directions.

    1- Πού είναι ο/η/το…;

    • Greek: Πού είναι ο/η/το …..;
    • Romanization: Pu íne o/i/to ….?
    • Meaning: “Where is ….?”

    2- Στρίψτε δεξιά / αριστερά.

    • Greek: Στρίψτε δεξιά / αριστερά.
    • Romanization: Strípste dexiá / aristerá.
    • Meaning: “Turn right / left.”

    3- Πηγαίνετε ευθεία.

    • Greek: Πηγαίνετε ευθεία.
    • Romanization: Piyénete efthía.
    • Meaning: “Go straight ahead.”

    4- Πού είναι η στάση του λεωφορείου / ο σταθμός του τρένου;

    • Greek: Πού είναι η στάση του λεωφορείου / ο σταθμός του τρένου;
    • Romanization: Pu íne i stási tu leoforíu / o stathmós tu trénu?
    • Meaning: “Where is the bus station / the train station?”

    5- Πού είναι η τουαλέτα, παρακαλώ;

    • Greek: Πού είναι η τουαλέτα, παρακαλώ;
    • Romanization: Pu íne i toualéta, parakaló?
    • Meaning: “Where is the toilet, please?”

    6. Emergencies

    Survival Phrases

    You never know when an emergency might take place, so here are some of the most important and relevant Greek expressions you can use in these situations.

    1- Βοήθεια!

    • Greek: Βοήθεια!
    • Romanization: Voíthia!
    • Meaning: “Help!”

    2- Καλέστε ένα ασθενοφόρο!

    • Greek: Καλέστε ένα ασθενοφόρο!
    • Romanization: Kaléste éna asthenofóro!
    • Meaning: “Call an ambulance!”

    3- Υπάρχει κάποιος γιατρός;

    • Greek: Υπάρχει κάποιος γιατρός;
    • Romanization: Ipárhi kápios yatrós?
    • Meaning: “Is there a doctor?”

    4- Καλέστε την αστυνομία!

    • Greek: Καλέστε την αστυνομία!
    • Romanization: Kaléste tin astinomía!
    • Meaning: “Call the police!”

    5- Έχασα το διαβατήριό μου / την ταυτότητά μου.

    • Greek: Έχασα το διαβατήριό μου / την ταυτότητά μου.
    • Romanization: Éhasa to diavatírió mu / tin taftótitá mu.
    • Meaning: “I’ve lost my passport / my ID.”

    7. Flattery Phrases

    A Woman Is Flattered, When Receiving Some Flowers

    Eager to make some new Greek friends? Try some of the flattery phrases below and it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be able to get to know new people. Of all the travel phrases in Greek, these are the most likely to bring a smile to someone’s face!

    1- Μου αρέσει το ελληνικό φαγητό / η ελληνική κουζίνα.

    • Greek: Μου αρέσει το ελληνικό φαγητό / η ελληνική κουζίνα.
    • Romanization: Mu arési to elinikó fayitó / i elinikí kuzína.
    • Meaning: “I like Greek food / Greek cuisine.”

    2- Αγαπώ την Ελλάδα.

    • Greek: Αγαπώ την Ελλάδα.
    • Romanization: Agapó tin Elláda.
    • Meaning: “I love Greece.”

    3- Είσαι πολύ ευγενικός / ευγενική.

    • Greek: Είσαι πολύ ευγενικός/ ευγενική.
    • Romanization: Íse polí evyenikós [male] / evyenikí [female].
    • Meaning: “You are very kind.”

    4- Θέλεις να πάμε για έναν καφέ;

    • Greek: Θέλεις να πάμε για έναν καφέ;
    • Romanization: Thélis na páme ya énan kafé?
    • Meaning: “Do you want to go out for a coffee?”

    5- Έχεις Facebook / Instagram;

    • Greek: Έχεις Facebook / Instagram;
    • Romanization: Éhis Facebook / Instagram?
    • Meaning: “Do you use Facebook / Instagram?” [Literal translation: “Do you have Facebook / Instagram?”]

    8. Language Problems

    World Map

    Trying to communicate in a foreign country is always a challenge you need to overcome. For this reason, it’s good that you’re practicing travel phrases to learn the Greek language. As mentioned before, most Greek people speak English fluently; however, in some isolated villages, where the true beauty of Greece hides, people might not be able to understand. For instances like this, the following phrases can be a life saver.

    1- Μιλάτε ελληνικά; / Μιλάτε αγγλικά;

    • Greek: Μιλάτε ελληνικά; / Μιλάτε αγγλικά;
    • Romanization: Miláte eliniká? / Miláte angliká?
    • Meaning: “Do you speak Greek?” / “Do you speak English?”

    2- Μπορείτε να το επαναλάβετε αυτό;

    • Greek: Μπορείτε να το επαναλάβετε αυτό;
    • Romanization: Boríte na to epanalávete aftó?
    • Meaning: “Could you repeat that?”

    3- Παρακαλώ μιλήστε αργά. Δεν καταλαβαίνω ελληνικά.

    • Greek: Παρακαλώ μιλήστε αργά. Δεν καταλαβαίνω καλά ελληνικά.
    • Romanization: Parakaló milíste argá. Den katanavéno kalá eliniká.
    • Meaning: “Please speak slowly. I don’t understand Greek well.”

    4- Πώς λέγεται αυτό στα ελληνικά;

    • Greek: Πώς λέγεται αυτό στα ελληνικά;
    • Romanization: Pos léyete aftó sta eliniká?
    • Meaning: “How do you say this in Greek?”

    5- Μπορείτε να το γράψετε;

    • Greek: Μπορείτε να το γράψετε;
    • Romanization: Boríte na to grápsete?
    • Meaning: “Could you write this down?”

    9. Conclusion

    We hope we’ve shown you the importance of travel phrases in Greek language learning, and that you’ve had fun learning these. Communicating in Greek is highly appreciated in Greece and can bring you a step closer to the local community and culture.

    Planning on visiting Greece? Want to learn more about the Greek language? offers you high-quality, practical knowledge about the Greek language. At, we aim to provide you with everything you need to know about the Greek language in a fun and interesting way. Articles like this one, word lists, grammar tips, and even YouTube videos are waiting for you to discover them! You can even delve into a one-on-one learning experience with your own personal Greek teacher upon subscription to Premium Plus!
