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Kelsey Brow
Kelsey Brow
GreekPod101 has been a wonderful help in learning Greek. My great-grandfather came to America from Greece in the 1920’s. At the time of course, diversity was not valued the way it is today and he and wanted to become American in all senses of the word. Today no one in my family speaks Greek, but we all hear stories about how our relative (who sadly passed on before I was born) emigrated from Greece in the hold of a ship at age 18 and helped a sickly woman and her young children during the passage. Consequently, I’ve had a vague interest in Greece all my life, and the opportunity to visit the country when I was studying abroad in Paris solidified this interest. I listened to GreekPod101 religiously on the bus, metro, and RER in preparation for this trip. I learned so much and got to use it! It was really exciting for me to connect with my past this way - by making it my present!
Salvador Mera
Salvador Mera
I am learning greek language with greekpod101, it really works.
I hear the podcasts while I am traveling to my job or while I am jogging.

Salvador Mera
Mexico City

Lorraine Kelly
Lorraine Kelly
I am intending to travel to Greece and was curious as to how accessible or user friendly the online language course would be. The program is geared to user level and desired end-use which is very useful as survival traveller’s Greek and the everyday basics were the basic language needs required. I have been very happy with the courses offered and their application to my travel needs! I am very happy that I registered for the online courses.
Brad Leon
Brad Leon
I was hesitant with downloading this podcast because I’ve had bad experience with podcasts that claim to be able to teach you Greek, but this one keeps that promise!!! They take it slow and steady and you actually learn!! It’s great!
Ron Friedmann
Ron Friedmann
The Greek learning is amazing. The questions, explainations and information are very helpful and I can’t believe it’s free. Thanks and evharisto!
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